News Blog

Welcome to the Southern Sierran, published by the Angeles Chapter of the Sierra Club, serving Los Angeles and Orange Counties.

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News Archive
October 23, 2019 By Ann Croissant

October 22, 2019 By C. Robin Smith

October 22, 2019 By Jane Simpson

October 22, 2019 By Krystal Ruiz

October 21, 2019 By John Monsen

October 16, 2019 By Monica Embrey

October 9, 2019 By Cathy Kissinger and Donna Specht, Awards Committee Co-Chairs

October 4, 2019 By Jenny Muschinske

September 30, 2019 By Krystal Ruiz

September 30, 2019 By Jordan Giaconia

The San Gabriel Mountains provide of the few connections to nature and opportunities to recreate for Los Angeles County, one of the most park poor regions of the country. As a result  the area is under immense stress from overuse, vandalism, littering, and decreased water quality. How do we protect the ecology of this region from overuse?

September 30, 2019 By Jim Hines

September 30, 2019 By Jeff Michelsen

September 23, 2019 By Krystal Ruiz

September 18, 2019 By Louise Fleming

September 17, 2019 By Krystal Ruiz

September 12, 2019 By Krystal Ruiz

September 12, 2019 By Magda Mendez

August 28, 2019 By Krystal Ruiz

August 27, 2019 By Helen Graham

August 21, 2019 By Tina Bowman

August 20, 2019 By Roberto Morales

August 19, 2019 By Sybil Azur

August 19, 2019 By Rebecca Franke, Richard Rollins, and Jim Stewart
Often slipping by with too little notice, communities throughout the world, including here in California, are declaring climate emergencies. They recognize that waiting for national governments to take the lead isn't sufficient. And coasting along with "someday, not now" nonchalance no longer cuts it. We've reached the point where "climate change" is not an accurate description of our situation and only obscures the fact that all life on this planet is already in an emergency situation.
Thankfully, we still have time to mobilize and accelerate local and regional support for comprehensive, immediate, and sustained action to help limit the worst impacts of a global temperature increase of 1.5°C (2.7°F) or more. That is what's driving cities across the world to declare climate emergencies, including San Francisco, Richmond, Oakland, Santa Cruz, Davis, Chico, and several others in Northern California. Los Angeles has even created a "Climate Emergency Mobilization Department" to coordinate climate action across the city.
While getting your city to declare a climate emergency is an important step, your help is needed to turn such declarations into action. Here’s what you can do:

July 31, 2019 By Nicole Levin

July 31, 2019 By Yvonne (Martinez) Watson and Linda Strong

July 31, 2019 By Lynne Plambeck

July 5, 2019 By Al Sattler, Steve Dillow, and Steve Goldsmith

June 26, 2019 By Marcus Lin

Carbon footprints only address the byproduct of our energy consumption without considering what largely goes into producing it: water.

June 25, 2019 By Charles Alex Malotte

Graywater is water from showers, tubs, bathroom sinks, and clothes washers (but not sewage) and an ideal source for reuse.

June 14, 2019 By George Watland

June 27, 2019 By Sandra Cattell

May 29, 2019 By By Steve Dillow and Al Salter

May 24, 2019 By Written by Steve Wicke
