South Orange County’s Water Woes - Residents Weep!

  • Posted on 2 March 2022
  • By Penny Elia, Sierra Club member
Water, water everywhere nor any drop to drink
— Samuel Taylor Coleridge
While the Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner tells of the misfortunes of a seaman and suggests that despite being surrounded by something, you cannot benefit from it, the tale of ocean desalination suggests the same.  The South Coast Water District’s proposed Doheny Ocean Desalination Plant in South Orange County is an excellent example of this conundrum.

Who Knew You Could Find A Marshland in The Middle of a City?

  • Posted on 2 March 2022
  • By Al Sattler
The Bixby Marshland is a 17-acre marsh near the intersection of Figueroa Street and Sepulveda Boulevard in the City of Carson, on land owned by the Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County. Marshland is a transitional area between terrestrial (land) and aquatic (water) environments. There are many native plants and animals, especially ones that need wetlands and depend on the marsh for survival.

Stormwater, what is it exactly; and why should we regulate it?

  • Posted on 2 March 2022
  • By Guest Writer Annelisa Moe
In Southern California, we have a storm drain system and a sewage system that are completely separate. The storm drain system is called the municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4). Two main types of water flow through the MS4: (1) Stormwater, which is rainwater that cannot infiltrate into the ground naturally and instead builds up as it flows over the ground, and (2) dry weather runoff, which originates when it is not raining through activities such as overwatering lawns or washing cars.

Angeles Chapter Water Committee Celebrates World Water Day March 22nd 2022

  • Posted on 1 March 2022
  • By Charming Evelyn

What is World Water Day?

World Water Day has been celebrated by the United Nations annually since 1993 to shine the spotlight on water use, water conservation, water innovation and the lack of access to water in many countries. Wars have been waged over water.

Action of the Month - If you do only one thing during February- then Sign this petition

  • Posted on 7 February 2022
  • By Everette Phillips
How does a business supporter of the Sierra Club decide on which action to take if they only have 15 minutes during a week or even during a month where taking action is possible? 
We have 100,000 supporters in Southern California, and each one is busy with their personal day-to-day life issues.  Most would take action if it was easy, so this is our goal on the Southern Sierra team.

More Cities Transitioning to 100% Renewable Energy!

  • Posted on 7 February 2022
  • By Kim Orbe, Conservation Program Manager
In January, the City of Hawthorne voted unanimously for 100% renewable energy as their default rate while Hermosa Beach voted to join the Clean Power Alliance, thanks in part to the advocacy of the chapter’s Clean Break team. In Orange County, Buena Park became the first city in Orange County to make 100% renewable energy its default, becoming the first member of the Orange County Power Authority to do so. 

LA Passes Motion to Begin Process of Phasing Out Oil Drilling City Wide

  • Posted on 26 January 2022
  • By Angeles Chapter Updates
The Los Angeles City Council voted yesterday (1/26) 14-0 to pass a motion to begin the process of phasing out oil drilling citywide and provide a just transition to impacted workers. There is still work to do to ensure the phase-out and clean-up, but the vote today was historic and came after over a decade of community organizing. 
STANDLA, a coalition of frontline communities impacted by oil drilling, led this work, and Sierra Club proudly supported it. 

Big Win for Sustainability!

  • Posted on 19 January 2022
  • By Angeles Chapter Sustainability Committee

West Hollywood City Council unanimously passes single-use plastic ban ordinance!

On January 18, 2021 representatives from the Sierra Club, Angeles Chapter Sustainability Committee provided public comment in support of the single-use plastic ban ordinance. This was championed by your passion and voice - and our voice was heard!
