A Massive Victory Against Big Oil!

  • Posted on 28 June 2024
  • By Megan Spatz
We successfully organized around the Signal Hill Community and they led us to a historic victory against Big Oil!
On June 26th, in the face of overwhelming pressure from the community and local environmental organizations, including the Sierra Club, the CA oil industry withdrew its referendum from the ballot.
Signal Hill was the largest financial backer of the proposed referendum.

Art in Nature with Lindsey Red-tail

  • Posted on 27 June 2024
  • By Megan Spatz

Our Art in Nature series continues with the beautiful work of dancer and ritualist Lindsey Red-tail.

Watch the documentary here.

The Legacy of Rachel Carson

  • Posted on 30 May 2024
  • By Jennifer Gregg
Rachel Carson was an American marine biologist, author, and conservationist. She is best known for her pioneering work in environmental science and her influential book "Silent Spring," published in 1962. Her book sold more than two million copies in just two years, inspiring one of the most powerful conservation movements in our history. She shined a glaring light on the need for conservation in a time when environmental consequences were largely misunderstood - or worse - ignored.

Art in Nature Video Series

  • Posted on 29 May 2024
  • By Megan Spatz

The Sierra Club Angeles Chapter explores the work of artists who work in, are inspired by and collaborate with nature. Join us as we learn about their practices and remind ourselves why protecting our environment is so important. This edition features painter Valeree Catangay.

Take a look at the video and enjoy Valeree's beautiful work!

The Angeles Chapter celebrates the expansion of the San Gabriel Mountains National Monument; Calls for more protections

  • Posted on 3 May 2024
  • By John Monsen

President Obama established the 346,000-acre San Gabriel Mountains National Monument almost a decade ago. On March 3rd, President Biden expanded the San Gabriel Mountains National Monument by another 106,000 acres, protecting two-thirds of the 700,000-acre Angeles National Forest. The President acted under the authority of the Antiquities Act, which allows him to protect important scientific, cultural, ecological, and historical resources on federal public lands.  

Water Guide for Water Equity

  • Posted on 3 April 2024
  • By Zoe Cunliffe

Black Women for Wellness' Environmental Justice team has released a comprehensive water guide aimed at addressing water equity in South LA. 

