Earth Month Round-Up

  • Posted on 1 May 2023
  • By Angeles Chapter Updates
Earth Month was a breath of fresh air for the members and friends of Sierra Club Angeles Chapter, who laced up their hiking boots and hit the trails for a month full of adventure, exploration, and appreciation for the great outdoors. Here are some highlights:
The Santa Clarita Valley Group Celebrated with an evening stroll through the Paseos in Santa Clarita

Visiting Vice President Kamala Harris in DC

  • Posted on 28 April 2023
  • By Morgan Goodwin - Senior Director, Angeles Chapter
On behalf of the Angeles Chapter, I accepted an invite to the Earth Day celebration at the residence of the Vice President. 
It was no small thing to commit to travel across the country for a fancy social event. However, many of you encouraged me to accept, and I was proud to represent all the good work we are doing here. 

Your Energy Cost Savings in the New NEM 3.0 World

  • Posted on 28 April 2023
  • By Swell Energy & Sierra Club Angeles Chapter
So, you’ve heard all about the NEM 3.0 solar rate changes that took effect on April 14, 2023 for anyone installing solar after the deadline. But, now what? What’s next for solar homeowners who locked in under NEM 2.0 or for homeowners who didn’t get their solar applications in by the April 14 rate change date? 
The simple answer in two words: Energy Storage.

Don't get left in the dark - Secure your power and save today

  • Posted on 31 March 2023
  • By Swell Energy & Sierra Club Angeles Chapter
In mid March, a wind storm in Northern California damaged power lines and vital equipment leaving more than 160,000 bay area PG&E customers without power for several hours. More than two-thirds of these customers were estimated to be without power for up to two full days. While this issue was isolated to Northern California, the state in general is becoming increasingly more likely to experience outages due to strain on an aging infrastructure and unpredictable weather events. 

Announcing our 2022 Annual Report

  • Posted on 17 March 2023
  • By Angeles Chapter Updates
A central theme in our 2022 Annual Report (available here) is building a foundation for lasting transformational change. 
In 2022, we laid fertile soil and planted deep roots that will anchor us as we cultivate a more robust collective movement in Southern California.

Sponge Cities - What Are They?

  • Posted on 6 March 2023
  • By Sydney M. Pitcher - Volunteer, Stop the Delta Conveyance (tunnel) Campaign.
Scientists predict that if the world does not drastically reduce carbon emissions and prevent global temperatures from rising above 1.5°C\ 2.7°F, we will experience irreversible and catastrophic consequences of climate change that could make the planet unlivable. Worsening climate change means more frequent and long lasting droughts, severe flooding, rampant wildfires, longer, hotter heat waves, and much more. However, there is one great solution every state and their cities within can adopt. It’s called Sponge Cities or Permeable Cities.
