Edible Weeds, A No-Water Bounty in Urban Areas

  • Posted on 6 March 2023
  • By Douglas Kent MS, MLA - SC Water Committee
Bountiful harvests, incredible nutrition, and all for little or no irrigation. What better defines sustainability?

Recycled Water is a Source of Water

  • Posted on 6 March 2023
  • By Caty Wagner, Sierra Club CA
Sierra Club California staff recently attended tours of both the Edward C. Little Water Recycling Facility (ECL) and the WRD Albert Robles Center for Water Recycling and Environmental Learning (ARC) to have a better understanding of water recycling, water replenishment and the interconnectedness of water systems in Southern California.

Lightening the Load: How SolarApp+ Can Help Climate Activists Push for Solar Roofs in Their Cities

  • Posted on 6 March 2023
  • By Ed Maurer, Sierra Sage Group Management Committee
Being a climate activist can be daunting, and SolarApp+ can lighten the effort.  Since a lot more electricity generated from renewable sources is needed fast, and since governments on all levels don’t move fast, here’s one proposal your city council may actually act on fast. With a little help from my friends at the Solar Rights Alliance, I got results in my city.
What is SolarApp+, what does it do, and what can YOU do about it?

    Powerful Together: Sierra Club's Listening Tour Visits Angeles

    • Posted on 6 March 2023
    • By Morgan Goodwin - Senior Director Angeles Chapter
    Angeles Chapter volunteers join new ED Ben Jealous for a QA
    We had an incredible visit in LA with Ben Jealous, the new Sierra Club ED! We were one of the final stops on his 6 week-long listening tour of chapters, and he wanted to hear what we were proud of, and what concerns we had. 

    Swell Energy and Solar Rights Alliance present at Sierra Club Orange County Open House

    • Posted on 6 February 2023
    • By Angeles Chapter Updates
    Thanks to Sierra Club members who attended the All-Orange County Open House on January 24th. Sierra Club Angeles, Swell Energy and the Solar Rights Alliance connected with local homeowners to discuss the importance of renewable energy, answer questions about the adoption of solar plus energy storage and inform attendees about the NEM 3.0 solar credit changes taking effect on April 13. 

    Executive Committee Officers for 2023

    • Posted on 2 February 2023
    • By Angeles Chapter Updates

    We are excited to announce our Chapter's Executive Officers for the coming term (2023)! Leading the charge as Chair is Dyana Peña, who brings a wealth of experience and enthusiasm to the role, entering her second full year as chair. A resident of Lynwood, CA, she is a first-generation daughter of Mexican immigrants and a lifelong environmentalist. Her ultimate goal is for the Chapter to be a welcoming home to anyone who wishes to protect our environment.

    Los Angeles County Phases Out Oil Drilling

    • Posted on 31 January 2023
    • By Nicole Levin, Beyond Dirty Fuels Campaign Organizer

    STAND LA Coalition members attend press conference with LA County Supervisor Holly Mitchell's office to celebrate the historic victory

    STAND LA Coalition members attend press conference with LA County Supervisor Holly Mitchell's office to celebrate the historic victory

    Glendale Voted to Build the Last Gas Plant in CA

    • Posted on 9 January 2023
    • By Angeles Chapter Updates

    Updated January 18, 2023 at 1:58pm

    On December 13, the Glendale City Council voted 4-1 to approve the $170 million purchase of new gas units at the Grayson Power Plant. Their decision moves Glendale in the opposite direction of the rest of the state and locks the region into fossil fuel use for decades to come.
