Pasadena 100 vs. Pasadena Water & Power

  • Posted on 1 November 2023
  • By George Vine, Pasadena Group

Who wins, the planet or the electric utility?

You have electrified your home, and installed solar panels. You drive an electric car and you no longer take commercial airplane flights. You know that all this is just a drop in a very big ocean. What do you do next to save the planet?

San Antonio Ski Hut Work Weekend - photo essay

  • Posted on 31 October 2023
  • By Morgan Goodwin - Senior Director, Angeles Chapter
Photos by Morgan Goodwin
How do you measure the love that goes into a place? One way would be to count the thousands of pounds of supplies that have been hauled nearly a thousand vertical feet up the trail, on people's backs, to build the San Antonio Ski Hut.

Calling all Bibliophiles! We’re Forming a New Library Committee!

  • Posted on 2 October 2023
  • By Angeles Chapter Library Committee
Are you the kind of person who enjoys perusing bookshelves? Do you have an interest in Angeles Chapter archives and history? Does organizing and caring for one of the largest collections of books in the Sierra Club sound like your idea of fun? Do you want to help create library events and a community for members?

Join Our Sustaining Donor Campaign!

  • Posted on 29 September 2023
  • By Jennifer Gregg, Chapter Fundraising Officer
One of the easiest ways to support our local impact is through monthly donations, of any size, made directly to the Angeles Chapter.
Did you know that you can give directly to the Angeles Chapter every month? And, you can donate any amount that works for you. Even if you already donate to the Sierra Club nationally, you can also designate a few dollars each month to the Angeles Chapter.

A Workshop You Won't Want to Miss!

  • Posted on 29 September 2023
  • By Jennifer Gregg, Chapter Fundraising Officer
From fundraising cheerleader to quiet supporter, everyone has a skill or passion that helps our Chapter grow. And, as we look ahead to planning our programs and 2024 budget, it’s really clear that our fundraising efforts need a boost.
You are invited to join us at one of two Angeles Chapter Fundraising Workshops this October.

Bye, Bye Fossil Fuels! Check out Swell Energy.

  • Posted on 11 September 2023
  • By Swell Energy & Sierra Club Angeles Chapter

Join Swell Energy in our fight against climate change by converting your home to clean power today. 

Hi Sierra Club Member, 
Your part in a sustainable future matters. 
Join us in our efforts to help lead California toward a 100 percent clean energy future by reducing toxic carbon emissions that destroy critical habitats and pollute our air. 

2023 Chapter and Group Elections

  • Posted on 11 September 2023
  • By Angeles Chapter Updates

Voting Begins October 2

Vote in 2023 Sierra Club Angeles Chapter Elections - Oct. 2 to Nov. 14
The annual Angeles Chapter elections begin on October 2nd, 2023, and end on November 14, 2023. Active members will be voting for 
  • At-large positions on the Angeles Chapter Executive Committee, 
  • Members of the Executive / Management Committee for their Regional Group in the Chapter.

Volunteer Spotlight - Alex Chang

  • Posted on 11 September 2023
  • By Alex Chang, Office Volunteer
Hi everyone! My name is Alex Chang, and I worked as a volunteer for the Sierra Club Angeles Chapter this summer. I recently graduated from Claremont High School in Claremont, California, and I am starting at UCLA this fall as a Climate Science major. In my free time, I like hiking, playing basketball with my friends, and learning as much as I can about the world. 

Celebrating Excellence in Environmental Leadership: 16th Annual Sierra Club Political Leadership Awards Fundraiser

  • Posted on 11 September 2023
  • By Angeles Chapter Updates
The 2024 election cycle looms large on the horizon, with the California Primary just eight months away. In this pivotal time, the Sierra Club is gearing up to support environmental champions and combat polluter-backed candidates across the state of California. As part of this mission, we recently celebrated our 16th annual Sierra Club Political Leadership Awards fundraiser, an event that embodies our commitment to equity, democracy, and sustainability.

2024 Angeles Chapter Banquet and Awards Presentation

  • Posted on 8 September 2023
  • By Jennifer Gregg, Chapter Fundraising Officer
Plans are already underway for the 2024 Angeles Chapter Banquet and Awards Presentation! The event will be held in May of 2024 - exact date and location are TBD.
Join our planning committee! We have several volunteer opportunities, including  sponsor solicitations, auction planning, awards logistics, decor, marketing, and many other ways to help make this occasion very special for our awardees and a successful fundraiser.
Stay tuned for announcements about this event!
