2015 California Legislature bill summaries Sierra Club supported

  • Posted on 30 November 2015
  • By From Sierra Club reports

Sierra Club California policy advocates select the California Legislative bills that appear on the 2015 Score Card of the state's elected officials.

The selection is based on factors that include a bill’s overall importance to the state’s environmental quality, the precedent it sets for good or bad impacts, and the bill’s importance to fulfilling the Club’s mission.

2015 California Legislative Report Card: How green are your state representatives?

  • Posted on 30 November 2015
  • By From Sierra Club reports

Nearly twice as many California Senators as Assembly members scored a 100% on Sierra Club California’s 2015 legislative report card. It measures how often they voted with the Club’s recommendations on a list of priority bills that would protect the environment and public health.

How green is your city? 3 things that make L.A. remarkable

  • Posted on 18 November 2015
  • By From Chapter reports

For those keeping score, Los Angeles has racked up definite points in improving its green image this year. The city that by 2025 promises to be coal-free and reduce greenhouse gases by 45% has taken more strides with renewable energy sources in the last six months than some cities have done in years. Here are three programs keeping the city on its green track.

Mother Nature's sons: The Okee Dokee Brothers

  • Posted on 16 November 2015
  • By Mary Forgione
Joe Mailander, right, and Justin Lansing, the Okee Dokee Brothers. Credit: Courtesy Okee Dokee Brothers

If you think the duo Okee Dokee Brothers are just for kids, think again.

Join us for the Path to Positive: Los Angeles Climate Day

  • Posted on 29 October 2015
  • By Steve Wicke
Sierra Club Angeles Chapter has a long term commitment to solving the problem of climate disruption. As an endorsing organization, Sierra Club invites members and supporters to attend the upcoming Climate Resolve event:
Path to Positive: Los Angeles Climate Day
Cathedral of Our Lady of Angels Conference Center 
555 W. Temple St. Los Angeles, CA 

After much controversy, U.S. and Pacific nations strike a flawed trade deal

  • Posted on 6 October 2015
  • By From Sierra Club reports

On Oct. 5, the New York Times reported that the United States and 11 other Pacific Rim nations reached a trade deal for the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). The Sierra Club has been working tirelessly to expose the threats of this deal on communities, the environment, and our climate.

In response, Sierra Club Executive Director Michael Brune released the following statement:

"Despite widespread, international opposition, the United States government is moving toward signing a trade deal that threatens our families, our communities, and our environment.
