Urban Oil Drilling in Los Angeles

  • Posted on 25 November 2019
  • By Monica Embrey
Neighborhood oil drilling is a major public health and environmental crisis in Los Angeles. Across LA county there are over 5,000 active and idle oil wells that are directly next to homes, schools, parks, hospitals, faith institutions, and other sensitive land uses. Over 500,000 people live within half a mile (2,640 feet) of an active oil well.

Sierra Club California Summit Recap

  • Posted on 21 November 2019
  • By Krystal Ruiz
The Sierra Club California Summit took place in Pasadena on October 26 with a number of speakers on panel eagerly waiting to share their ideas to improve the California Deal. Panelists were addressing many topics, including transportation, water policy, and the California Deal generally. 

The Future is Not Granted - An Update on the Renewable Energy Resolution for LAUSD

  • Posted on 21 November 2019
  • By Sybil M. Azur
When I was in middle school, my biggest worries were limited to fashion choices, unrequited crushes, and being on the outs with my too-cool group of friends. I dreamed of growing up and becoming a dancer (which I did),  and rest assured that the world would always be, as it was, for millions of years to come. I took the future for granted. 

In the Know: Forest Stewardship Council Board

  • Posted on 13 November 2019
  • By Krystal Ruiz
The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) aims to protect forests for future generations by setting a standard for responsible forest management worldwide. The FSC’s Board of Directors is responsible for the analysis and decisions of a global organization that is characterized by dialogue and consensus within the framework of very demanding standards of how to manage forests.

Sierra Club California 2019 Legislative Report Card Overview

  • Posted on 7 November 2019
  • By Chris Hendrickson/Sharon Koch/John Monsen/Magda Mendez

Every autumn, Sierra Club California staff review legislators' voting records for the year on bills affecting the environment. The 2019 Legislative Report Card rates the overall voting records of California Assembly and Senate Members on key environmental legislation. Overall, there was a remarkable increase in those who scored 100%.

Sierra Club California Honors Water Warrior Volunteers with Leadership Awards

  • Posted on 4 November 2019
  • By mmendez

Once a year, we get the chance to recognize those volunteer leaders that have made a difference in fighting for the environment here in California. The Leadership Awards are our opportunity to show our appreciation to the individuals that have spent countless hours working on issues that Sierra Club holds dear.

Greta Thunberg call to fight global warming cheers LA rally

  • Posted on 4 November 2019
  • By John Rogers
LOS ANGELES (AP) — Greta Thunberg, Sweden’s 16-year-old climate-change activist, joined fellow teenagers from throughout California Friday in telling a cheering crowd of hundreds at a Los Angeles rally that they can and will fight to save their planet from global warming.
