"Just" PPE

  • Posted on 17 July 2020
  • By Mackenzie Jackson
Editors note: Stopping the spread of the pandemic is our immediate concern, and we encourage everyone to follow government guidelines for sanitation and health protocols. For those who can, we encourage limiting the use of disposable PPE and properly disposing it when used.

Sign-up to Receive Focal Points Magazine!

  • Posted on 9 July 2020
  • By Communications Committee
Photography plays a big part in our understanding and love of the natural world. Focal Points Magazine is the creative expression of this corollary. This digital magazine is created monthly from photography provided by members of the Sierra Club Angeles Chapter Camera Committee

Stop the Poseidon Desalination Plant in Huntington Beach

  • Posted on 2 July 2020
  • By Ray Hiemstra
As Sierra Club members we have all become familiar with zombie development projects that never seem to die, and that we need to stop.  One of the longest-running of these projects is the proposed Poseidon Huntington Beach desalination plant.  This boondoggle has been in the works for twenty years, and the Sierra Club along with a large coalition of environmental and community groups has continually worked to stop this destructive project.

Meet the Angeles Chapter Environmental Justice Committee

  • Posted on 2 July 2020
  • By Yvonne Watson, Chair of the Angeles Chapter Environmental Justice Committee
A lot of people have been wondering why the Sierra Club is supporting social justice issues such as the Black Lives Matter movement.  I’ve read social media posts criticizing the Club for straying away from its core values and mission.  But is this a fair statement to make? 
If you are familiar with the Sierra Club you’ve probably heard the words “Explore, enjoy and protect the planet” but these words are part of a larger Purpose statement.

Civics During COVID-19

  • Posted on 2 July 2020
  • By Chapter Communications Committee
How can you still impact environmental issues and exercise civic responsibilities

Motivations to Contribute - Mackenzie P. - a UCLA Student

  • Posted on 2 July 2020
  • By Mackenzie P.
The Sierra Club's values of explore, enjoy and protect the environment can be embraced by volunteers and members of all ages. Motivations to Contribute is a new series oriented towards understanding our volunteers and members both for inspiration and to enhance cooperation and coordination among current members while encouraging new volunteers to join us.

Building Bridges to the Outdoors

  • Posted on 2 July 2020
  • By Jonathan Howard
Sierra Club outings leader Bill Vanderberg has been leading youth wilderness programs for over 20 years. His program Building Bridges to the Outdoors (BBTO) provides immersive nature experiences for local high schoolers in Los Angeles. I sat down with Bill to talk about why BBTO is so important. Here’s what he explained to me. 

Introducing the Wildland Urban Wildfire Committee

  • Posted on 1 July 2020
  • By Jonathan Howard
Updated March 15, 2021

Sierra Club California Wildfire Policy - Sierra Club California supports policies that prohibit new building in Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zones, consistent with established Sierra Club national urban infill policy, to respond to increasing intensity and frequency of devastating wildfires on lives, habitat, property, infrastructure, and the environment. (Adopted: August 22, 2020)
