Poseidon - What's in a Name?

  • Posted on 31 August 2020
  • By Charming Evelyn - Chair, Water Committee
[Updated 9/2/20 @ 4:00 PM]
The Huntington Beach Ocean Desalination plant is being proposed by Poseidon. What a title for a company! Do you think anyone with Poseidon stopped to consider their namesake? Poseidon is considered to be one of the most bad-tempered, moody, and greedy Olympian gods and known to be quite vengeful when insulted.
Who was Poseidon?

What Are Chapter Elections?

  • Posted on 30 August 2020
  • By Everette Phillips, Communications Chair
Our Sierra Club Chapter is shy 50,000 members located in LA and Orange Counties. We have between 3 and 5 paid staff members at any given time, so most of the work and decision making is made by volunteers. Members like you who care enough about an activity like a hike or environmental issue like clean air & water to volunteers a couple of hours each week.  When groups of volunteers work together, some must assume leadership roles. Some of those roles require recognition through elections.

Democracy for Climate, Climate for Democracy: Recapping the 2020 Political Leadership Awards

  • Posted on 26 August 2020
  • By Jonathan Howard
The Angeles Chapter presented its 13th annual Political Leadership Awards on August 23 to an exceptional group of honorees at the first-ever virtual celebration in the Chapter’s history. The event took place on the new Remo conferencing platform. Proceeds from ticket sales for the event will go to the California Sierra Club PAC, which provides financial contributions for Sierra Club-endorsed candidates in state and local elections in California.

Directors Desk: Fires and Philosophy

  • Posted on 26 August 2020
  • By mgoodwin
The state of California is on fire. Truckee, where I lived for seven years, is shrouded in smoke from fires burning too close for comfort. What if a fire approached the town? Two years ago the town of Paradise, CA was destroyed.
Living in small communities or isolated cabins in the woods is riskier than it used to be. Climate change was predicted to result in widespread fires, among other apocalypses (apocolypti ?) and now that is our reality.

Volunteer Spotlight - Liliana Griego

  • Posted on 25 August 2020
  • By Jonathan Howard
In recent months we’ve highlighted voices in the Sierra Club working to educate and enlist the next generation of environmental advocates and activists. This month we’re shining the spotlight on Angeles Chapter budding star, Liliana Griego. A Wilderness Travel Course (WTC) graduate, Forest Committee Volunteer, and ExCom member-at-large, she is committed to the Sierra Club’s mission and working to create a more influential and inclusive Angeles Chapter.

Culver City Takes Historic Steps to End Neighborhood Oil Drilling

  • Posted on 14 August 2020
  • By Monica Embrey, Associate Director, Beyond Dirty Fuels Campaign
August 14, 2020
Culver City Takes Historic Steps to End Neighborhood Oil Drilling
Innovative Policy in L.A. County Could Ignite Just Transition 
While Protecting Residents From a Legacy of Toxic Emissions 
