Poppy Reserve Faces Grave Threat

  • Posted on 31 August 2009
  • By The Editor
Photo Credit: Kathy Porter

The Antelope Valley Poppy Reserve: a photographer's dream, an artist's inspiration, and an escape from our hurried lives now under threat by a proposed racetrack.

Love at First Sight: the Magic of New Zealand

  • Posted on 31 August 2009
  • By The Editor
Photo By: Judy Shane

Silenced by the roar of cascading waterfalls, we will walk through native plants found nowhere else on earth but New Zealand.

Help Protect And Enjoy The San Gabriel Mountains

  • Posted on 31 August 2009
  • By The Editor
Photo Credit: Sierra Club

The special resources study will make recommendations on how to better meet the public's recreational needs and protect the forest's natural and cultural resources. Above members of Church of the Epiphany in Los Angeles visiting the San Gabriel Mountains

September L.A. Solar Plan Meetings

  • Posted on 31 August 2009
  • By The Editor

Angeles Chapter Global Warming Committee
National Club Staff

Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP) has announced they will hold five public meetings across the City in September. Your presence (plus your friends and colleagues) is needed to show a great public desire for clean renewable energy (and less dirty coal).

Celebrating Sustainable Food September 27

  • Posted on 31 August 2009
  • By The Editor
All Photos On This Web Page By: Mike Sappingfield

Bring the whole family down to enjoy the day at a real-live, operational organic farm.

OC Group to Celebrate International Day of Climate Action

  • Posted on 31 August 2009
  • By The Editor

Orange County Global Warming Committee

October 24 marks the International Day of Climate Action observed in more than 1,000 locations around the world, including Orange County's own Irvine Ranch Outdoor Education Center. The Sierra Club is partnering with the Orange County Interfaith Coalition for the Environment, Earth Resource Foundation, and the United Nations Association-USA, Orange County Chapter. About 500 attendees are expected.
