Submission Guidelines for Southern Sierran

  • Posted on 31 October 2009
  • By The Editor

By Howard Kayton
Outings Chair, Santa Monica Mountains Task Force

The 12th annual Backbone Trail Festival will be held on weekends starting Sat, Nov 7 and continuing through Sun, Dec 6. Hikers will be able to traverse 50 of the 70 miles of this scenic trail along some of the highest ridges of the Santa Monica Mountains, often with great ocean views. This should also be appealing to those who are unable to hike their favorite San Gabriel Mountain hikes due to the recent fires.

Urban Wildlife: How Can We Live and Let Live?

  • Posted on 31 October 2009
  • By The Editor

Join Wildlife & Endangeered Species Committee November 14 For a Symposium to Establish Guidelines for Humane Cohabitation

By Rosemarie White
Chair, Endangered Species and Wildlife Committee


  • Posted on 31 October 2009
  • By The Editor


The Water Committee is looking for volunteers to help with a water conservation report. If you care about water conservation and have some time to volunteer, please contact or (213)387-4287 x204.

Submission Guidelines for Southern Sierran

  • Posted on 31 October 2009
  • By The Editor

ALL SUBMISSIONS (advertisements, art, articles, calendar items, etc.) are due the FIRST FRIDAY of each month To be considered for the December issue, you must submit by the first Friday of November. To be considered for January, you must submit by the first Friday of December, etc.

Remembering Russ Black

  • Posted on 31 October 2009
  • By The Editor

Russ Black, a long-time leader and volunteer for the 20s &30s Section, recently passed away on Friday, September 11, a week before his 53rd birthday. Russ became an O-rated leader in 1991 and participated or led over 200 events in his career.

As Fight To Save Poppy Reserve Continues. . .

  • Posted on 31 October 2009
  • By The Editor

Photo Credit: Kathy Porter

The Antelope Poppy Reserve needs your support. At present, motorsports park proponents outnumber Poppy Reserve supporters two to one.

Pasadena Group to Auction Nature Photos Nov. 14

  • Posted on 31 October 2009
  • By The Editor

The Pasadena Group's annual Photo Auction on Saturday, November 14 will feature a variety of nature photographs up for bid, an opportunity to acquire a distinctive image for a room or a holiday gift.

Adventure Opportunities: Costa Rica

  • Posted on 31 October 2009
  • By Mike Sappingfield

Photo By: Mike Sappingfield

Mike Sappingfield snapped this white-face monkey saying Bienvenidos! Nov 24 2007 at Manuel Antonio National Park, Costa Rica
