Zombie Tunnel Project back to life as the Delta Conveyance

  • Posted on 22 February 2021
  • By Caty Wagner - SoCal Water Organizer, Sierra Club California
For many years we have opposed this project through its many iterations. The Peripheral Canal of the 80’s, the Bay Delta Conservation Project of the 00’s, the California WaterFix & Eco Restore Project of the 10’s and now the 20’s The Delta Conveyance project. Whether informally known as the twin tunnels, the tunnel boondoggle or the tunnel, we are forever hard at work to preserve and protect the Sacramento- San Joaquin  Delta, the only and largest freshwater tidal estuary on the West Coast.

An Open Letter to Our Community| COVID-19 & The Holidays

  • Posted on 19 November 2020
  • By Helen Maurer
Update: Zoom said earlier this week it would lift its standard 40-minute limit on free video chats for Thanksgiving Day to make it easier to spend time with friends and family virtually on the US holiday. Given spikes in COVID-19 cases nationwide and various new and existing restrictions on interstate travel, this year’s Thanksgiving will be an unprecedented affair likely involving a mix of in-person and virtual hangouts using videoconferencing software like Zoom. Planning a Zoom Thanksgiving?

Historic Win for San Onofre State Beach

  • Posted on 29 October 2020
  • By Mallory Martin, Communications Volunteer
In a long-sought win for a hallowed California landmark, Governor Newsom has officially signed Bill AB1426 into law last month – permanently protecting San Onofre State Beach and neighboring surf gem Trestles Beach from road infrastructure projects. The bill was written and introduced by State Assembly Member Tasha Boerner Horvath (D-76th) in September, but was ultimately the culmination of a nearly two decades long battle fought by countless individuals and organizations like the Save San Onofre Coalition (SSOC.) 

Election Call to Action

  • Posted on 19 October 2020
  • By Everette Phillips - Chair, Communications Committee

Share the Importance of Voting with 5 people and ask them to do the same.

LA County Oil Well Ordinance Update

  • Posted on 16 October 2020
  • By Monica Embrey, Associate Director, Beyond Dirty Fuels Campaign
Hundreds of thousands of Los Angeles County residents live near oil and gas drilling sites where toxic, health-threatening pollutants are released into the air, water, and soil. Numerous studies link proximity to oil and gas wells to health impacts including cancer, premature mortality, asthma, and other respiratory ailments. We must protect our communities and our planet, which is why we call for an end to drilling where we’re living.

Urban Oil Drilling in Los Angeles

  • Posted on 25 November 2019
  • By Monica Embrey
Neighborhood oil drilling is a major public health and environmental crisis in Los Angeles. Across LA county there are over 5,000 active and idle oil wells that are directly next to homes, schools, parks, hospitals, faith institutions, and other sensitive land uses. Over 500,000 people live within half a mile (2,640 feet) of an active oil well.
