Ongoing Construction in West Hollywood Creating Environmental Concern

  • Posted on 18 December 2018
  • By Ashleen Knutsen, Water Committee


Construction is an all too familiar sight for residents of Los Angeles. As a result, natives must deal with constant loud noises, difficulties finding parking and even more traffic than usual. However, in addition to these ailments, development projects in West Hollywood may be causing environmental issues.

California Wildfires: What burned and what's still standing

  • Posted on 14 December 2018
  • By lfleming

If you are like most of us, you are worried about cultural sites and iconic buildings that may not have survived the fires that raged across Agoura HIlls, Malibu, Malibu canyons and parks, and the Santa Monica Mountains. Below is a brief list of the buildings, cultural sites, and historic structures that were destroyed, and some of those that were saved.

California Sierra Club PAC Ends First Full Election Cycle and Looks Towards the Future

  • Posted on 3 December 2018
  • By Pierre Gagniarre, Chapter Communications Committee
Formed in 2017, the California Sierra Club Political Action Committee (CSC-PAC) ended its first full two-year political cycle with this November’s midterm elections. Created by the boards of the Angeles Chapter and Sierra Club California to support local and state candidates endorsed by the Sierra Club, the PAC contributed a total of $64,030 in 2018 to local and state legislative campaigns.

Please Donate to Sierra Club California’s Wildfire Relief Fund

  • Posted on 28 November 2018
  • By Kathryn Phillips, Director, Sierra Club California

This is one of the most heartbreaking messages I've ever had to write. Our beloved California is on fire. Staff and Sierra Club members have lost their homes. Entire towns have been obliterated. And dozens have already died or been hospitalized.

Northern California's Camp Fire is now listed as the nation's deadliest wildfire on record.
