How to meet California's housing needs and protect the environment

  • Posted on 10 September 2018
  • By From Sierra Club California

The housing crisis is one of the most important challenges facing California today. The dramatic loss of state funding for affordable housing, the high cost of land, and zoning that restricts residential density are just a few of the factors that have exacerbated the problem. 

As job growth continues to exceed housing growth, workers must live further from work resulting in unreasonable commute distances. This paper outlines the factors that have led to the housing crisis and its effects on California’s population and economy. 

Wait! Before you throw out that food …

  • Posted on 10 September 2018
  • By From Chapter reports

Throwing away food is a terrible waste. Consider that a fifth of America's fresh water is wasted on crops that go directly to landfills. Worse yet, food waste that goes into landfills creates other problems too, such as millions of tons of greenhouse gases. 

Remember to register and vote in Nov. 6 mid-term elections

  • Posted on 10 September 2018
  • By Sharon Koch

Attacks on the Clean Water Act, attempts to reduce automobile fuel standards, efforts to roll back environmental regulations put in place to protect our land, our people, and our wildlife … these are actions we have seen since January 2017.  Wait there are more, such as selling off public lands to fossil fuel interests, cutting the size of national monuments, crippling the Endangered Species Act.  What can an individual do to counter the onslaught? We all have one very powerful tool at our disposal: We can exercise our right to vote. 

Microfibers aren't a micro problem for our oceans

  • Posted on 27 July 2018
  • By Hoiyin Ip

There have been a lot of cheers on the several bills in Sacramento on reducing plastic pollution. Among them is California Asembly Bill 2379, which tackles a big but little-known problem. The bill requires clothing made from fabric that is composed of more than 50% synthetic material with a warning in the label that would say: “This garment sheds plastic microfibers when washed, which contributes to marine plastic pollution.” Unfortunately the bill became inactive.
