Sierra Club Looks to Build on Special Efforts to Make Water Agencies More Diverse and Progressive

  • Posted on 1 March 2021
  • By John Monsen

The Sierra Club Helped Make Several Influential Water Agencies More Diverse and Progressive; Now We Need to Prepare to Do Even More

Water may be life, but most residents of Southern California do not often reflect on the complex series of canals, pumps, and pipelines that connect where they live to water sources like the Colorado River, the Sierras, or the numerous water basins under LA County.

Mapping Our Water

  • Posted on 25 February 2021
  • By Lore Pekrul and Chuck Gooley

GIS Committee Maps for Angeles Chapter Water Committee

What's the Sierra Club California Water Committee and Why Do We Need It?

  • Posted on 25 February 2021
  • By Charlotte Allen - CoChair, Sierra Club California Water Committee
The Sierra Club California Water Committee is an issue committee that reports to the California Conservation Committee, the organization that sets Sierra Club's environmental policy for the State of California. Thus the State Water Committee is the main group responsible for defining the Sierra Club's water policies for California.

Poseidon's Toxic Desalination Proposal

  • Posted on 23 February 2021
  • By Ray Hiemstra, Angeles Chapter Water Committee
The people behind the Poseidon project feel Orange County residents do not pay enough for water. They feel that residents can and should pay. They see a potential profit in  each glass of water, each shower and each toilet flush.  Their plan is simple, add more expensive water that we do not need into our existing water supply and then charge us more for the water we already own. This idea is so profitable that it resurfaces again and again going on nearly 20 years now, and the Sierra Club has been working hard to keep your water supply inexpensive and abundant.

Water Equity and COVID-19

  • Posted on 23 February 2021
  • By Yvonne Watson, Chair of the Angeles Chapter Environmental Justice Committee

Water Equity and COVID-  19 or Is Water Inequality A More Apt Description?

Health care professionals have reassured the public that you can’t catch COVID-19 from drinking water, but what if you have other worrisome things in your water?  How do you follow the health guidance about washing your hands when you don’t have access to clean water?

My Experience as a Water Board Director

  • Posted on 22 February 2021
  • By Conner Everts
The late matriarch of Los Angeles environmental groups, Dorothy Green, wrote a book that focuses on Southern California water and water agencies: Managing Water: Avoiding Crisis in California. 
