Trash Talk Saturday: L.A.’s historic South Park is a little cleaner now

  • Posted on 5 April 2021
  • By Will McWhinney
“There’s too much trash in the parks! Let’s do something about it." That’s what Mathieu Bonin, local Sierra Club activist, said recently. Starting in January, he’s organized three monthly litter collections in 2021 already. The latest was at South Park in South Los Angeles. Six of us grabbed our grabbers on a bright day in March and cleaned up lawns, flower beds, and bushes, or just called in. It was a meeting in the field using phone headsets and a conference call line.

Braiding Sweetgrass Book Club Recap and What's Next!

  • Posted on 5 April 2021
  • By Kim Orbe - Conservation Program Manager
The Angeles Chapter staff has committed to organizing a book club that focuses on themes centered on Environmental Social Justice. Our intention is to create a space where individuals from all ages and backgrounds can come together to read and discuss the intersectionality of issues related to race, conservation, and the environment. 

The Desert Promise: Of Blooms and Superblooms

  • Posted on 29 March 2021
  • By Jane Simpson
We often think that the desert is, well, a desert – arid, khaki-toned and full of mystery. But in these barren landscapes, hardy seeds lie waiting for just the right conditions to spring into action. While poppies, our state flower, are the biggest draw out near Lancaster, there are many other flowers, plants and scenic wonders to discover throughout our region, even in dry years when we have to look harder.

Desert Hiking 101 - How to be Prepared

  • Posted on 29 March 2021
  • By Regge Bulman
Spring is upon us and it (along with close competitors Fall and Winter) is a perfect time to strike out into the deserts of Southern California. Spring is the time to catch Instagram-worthy flowering cacti and plants that only strut their stuff after a few winter storms and the desert is always ready to provide stunning sunsets full of orange and red.

Featured Entity: Leadership Training Committee (LTC)

  • Posted on 29 March 2021
  • By Jane Simpson
In the early 1970’s, Angeles Chapter outings folks saw a need to standardize training and safety management for its hugely popular - and growing - outings program. The result was a first in the Sierra Club: a Leadership Training Committee (LTC), to train candidates, and a Safety Committee to develop policies, grant ratings to leaders and investigate incidents. 

Get involved with the Angeles Chapter this Earth Day

  • Posted on 29 March 2021
  • By Kim Orbe - Conservation Program Manager
This year's Earth Day is unlike many others. We can't gather together to celebrate and honor Earth as we like to each year on April 22nd. Our sacred lands are a gift, and it is our responsibility to protect them and ensure their enjoyment by all. I also want to remind readers to treat each day as indigenous people's day. Advocating for conservation means uplifting their voices, knowledge, and wisdom. All flourishing is mutual, and iIt's human perception that makes the world a gift. To mend our bond with Earth, we must rectify our oppressive and destructive colonial past.

Angeles ExComm Adopts Resolution to Denounce anti-Asian Hate

  • Posted on 18 March 2021
  • By Angeles Chapter
Wednesday, March 17 — As of today, there have been thousands of reports of anti-Asian hate across the country. Some of the most violent actions include the murder of 84-year-old Vicha Raranapakee in San Fransisco. And now, a shooting in Atlanta that left at least eight people dead, the majority of whom were Asian American.
The Angeles Chapter Executive Committee condemned hate crimes against Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders during its February meeting. It adopted a resolution in support of Asian Americans facing Violence and Racism.
