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News Blog

Welcome to the Southern Sierran, published by the Angeles Chapter of the Sierra Club, serving Los Angeles and Orange Counties.

[Header photo: One of four Mountain Lion Kittens P-66 through P-69 © Courtesy of National Park Service]

July 2020

  • Plastic microbeads in 2015. Plastic bags in 2016. Plastic straws in 2018. Banning plastic goods that are constructed without consideration for how they will be reused or recovered is a powerful tool Zero Waste activists have used for years. While these sweeping bans can be incredibly effective, they are useless against one of today’s fastest-growing sources of waste: Personal Protective Equipment.

  • Photography plays a big part in our understanding and love of the natural world. Focal Points Magazine is the creative expression of this corollary. This digital magazine is created monthly from photography provided by members of the Sierra Club Angeles Chapter Camera Committee.

  • As Sierra Club members we have all become familiar with zombie development projects that never seem to die, and that we need to stop.  One of the longest-running of these projects is the proposed Poseidon Huntington Beach desalination plant.  This boondoggle has been in the works for twenty years, and the Sierra Club along with a large coalition of environmental and community groups has continually worked to stop this destructive project. But like most zombies, this project just keeps going and now we need your help to stop it for good.

  • A lot of people have been wondering why the Sierra Club is supporting social justice issues such as the Black Lives Matter movement.  I’ve read social media posts criticizing the Club for straying away from its core values and mission.  But is this a fair statement to make? 

  • How can you still impact environmental issues and exercise civic responsibilities during the pandemic.

  • The Sierra Club values of explore, enjoy and protect the environment can be embraced by volunteers and members of all ages. Motivations to Contribute is a new series oriented towards understanding our volunteers and members both for inspiration and to enhance cooperation and coordination among current members while encouraging new volunteers to join us.

  • Sierra Club outings leader Bill Vanderberg has been leading youth wilderness programs for over 20 years. His program Building Bridges to the Outdoors (BBTO) provides immersive nature experiences for local high schoolers in Los Angeles. I sat down with Bill to talk about why BBTO is so important. Here’s what he explained to me.

  • Maybe you have noticed the resurgence of single-use plastic bags in LA and Orange Counties. If not, it is important to start paying attention. 

  • The Wildland Urban Wildfire Committee (WUWC) -- Sierra Club Angeles Chapter’s newest committee – was officially approved Sunday, June 28, 2020, and will be dedicated to addressing the risks associated with building in the Wildland-Urban Interface/Intermix (WUI) and influencing policies to reduce those dangers while protecting the environment.

  • Sierra Club volunteer Derek Berlin interviews Maggie Moran, the newest owner of the Adams' Pack Station at Chantry Flat. 

  • This past month was difficult and uncomfortable; I’m not going to lie. As the pandemic continues to rage through our communities, George Floyd was murdered in Minneapolis, and the pain of 450 years of racism in this country was laid bare for all of us to grapple with. At the Angeles Chapter, we are taking time to figure out what it means to be the Sierra Club in this particular moment. With so much important work ahead and begun this month, I find myself increasingly grateful that trails are open, and so as always, I close this column with a story of the mountains.

June 2020


  • The multiracial, multigender, multigenerational protestors filling our streets and the highways and by-ways across the world offer a glimmer of hope that this time may truly lead to a path ending systemic racism.  We have an opportunity to listen to the heartfelt words of so many, to demand that our public servants take action, and to take a few small steps toward dismantling a culture that has for too long denied our fellow humans the privileges and opportunities enjoyed by a few.  Some steps we can take:

  • Statement from Sierra Club Executive Director Michael Brune on the ways in which environmentalists need to show up in this moment.

May 2020

  • The Sierra Club Angeles Chapter welcomes Jonathan Howard as the new Communications Coordinator on staff at the chapter office. He starts June 8th and will be focusing on communications, marketing, and media relations to help increase the capacity of the chapter.

  • In this, the second edition of the Directors Desk update, I want to continue to share with you the most interesting bits of the job, give you a sense of what the Chapter is up to, and share a brief story about family and the mountains.

  • You’re paying too much to cook with gas. You’re paying with your family’s health. Your gas bills are going to go up. And in some parts of the country, the gas industry is even charging you the cost of distributing their propaganda. It is time to switch to cleaner, cheaper, healthier, safer, and superior induction cooking.

  • We turned to Facebook to see how our members were doing with coping with the pandemic, and the responses have been delightful.

April 2020

  • On the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day, the Angeles Chapter’s Clean Break Committee and the Central Regional Group held a Facebook Live Forum about the Inglewood Oil Field with local elected leaders.

  • Metropolitan Water District, the water wholesaler that serves 26 local water agencies in the Southern California region, voted for a two-year budget that will raise water rates during the biggest economic downturn in California since the Great Depression.

  • This was my first month on the job for the Angeles Chapter and intense would be a big understatement for what it’s been like to step into this role during a pandemic.

  • In this new age of uncertainty, we must demand actions be taken NOW to ensure everyone, including our most vulnerable citizens, can be “Safer at Home.”

  • Watch our Earthday Live Forum with Sen. Holly Mitchel & Rep Sydney Kamlager-Dove to learn about neighborhood oil drilling in LA

  • We hope that you’ve been staying safe, and finding moments of joy and peace, even though it's hard right now. We also wanted to share opportunities for honoring the 50th anniversary of Earth Day and what would have been Take Your Kids to Work Day next week.

  • Wilderness Travel Course (WTC) leaders don’t think about counting years until we cross a milestone. 2020 is special because it marks WTC’s official 30th year of operation. Since 1990, we’ve trained thousands of Southern California wilderness travelers.

March 2020

February 2020

November 2019
