It’s baaack: Zombie water project called Cadiz

  • Posted on 21 September 2017
  • By From the Desert Report

Everyone’s favorite zombie water project is baaaack… but there’s a move afoot to lay it to rest for good with a new state law, AB 1000.

The Cadiz water project would pump 50,000 annual acre-feet of water from an ancient aquifer beneath Mojave Trails National Monument and sell it to Southern California suburbs. The Sierra Club has been fighting this plan since the 1990s when Cadiz Inc. introduced the idea of pumping water out of the desert and selling it to local water agencies.

The end of marine sanctuaries?

  • Posted on 18 September 2017
  • By Jim Hines

The creation of America’s national marine sanctuary program in 1975 was the highlight of a decades-long effort to gain protections for unique ocean and Great Lakes ecosystems in federal waters surrounding the U.S.

Love your gear and it will love you back

  • Posted on 18 September 2017
  • By Jane Simpson and Will McWhinney

Anytime you tread off pavement, you’re bound to get dirty. After a day hike or a backpack, your gear is going to need attention. Follow a few simple tips and the boots, bags and tents you invested in will last longer. And you'll be more comfortable and ready of your next outing.

My first service trip with Sierra Club

  • Posted on 15 September 2017
  • By Pat Kramer
Service trip volunteers get a behind-the-scenes look at our national parks. Pat Kramer worked with a team in Yosemite National Park. Photo credit: Carla Gilbert 


Protect what you love! Matching gift for Chapter donations today

  • Posted on 21 August 2017
  • By From national reports

We need your help to protect bedrock environmental laws in cities, towns, and local communities all across the country. We have chapters in every state, and local leaders in nearly every corner of the country. You can invest in their work by supporting the Angeles Chapter.

Ballona Watershed, uncovered

  • Posted on 18 August 2017
  • By Will McWhinney


Ballona Creek is one of Los Angeles’ principal waterways. The Ballona Wetlands, where it discharges into Santa Monica Bay, have been partially preserved due to intense efforts by Angeles Chapter activists and others. But where does that water come from?

Got some free time? Come volunteer at our front desk

  • Posted on 7 August 2017
  • By From Chapter reports

We need reception area coverage at Sierra Club Angeles Chapter office in the mid-Wilshire area of L.A. Volunteer in a fun atmosphere meeting new people and getting an overview of how the Club works.
 No experience is necessary; training and supervision are provided.

You need to have good communication skills and the ability to work well with others. The main duty is answering the telephone and answering questions about membership and Chapter activities. You would also assist the staff with general office duties, mailings, copying, etc.
