Passages: Vieve Metcalfe, longtime Angeles Chapter member

  • Posted on 30 October 2017
  • By mforgione

Vieve Metcalfe, a resident of La Crescenta for the past 25 years and former Angeles Chapter treasurer, has died. She was 82 years old.

Vieve's volunteer activities included many years as a National Ski Patrol member.  She was very active in the Sierra Club and served as treasurer of the club’s Angeles Chapter. More recently she volunteered at the Southern California Genealogical Society as a director and as co-chair of the Library Operations Committee.

Give a gift to our common home

  • Posted on 27 October 2017
  • By Hoiyin Ip

Christmas started at Costco after Labor Day. By now, merrymakers have officially bought gifts and all kinds of other items to decorate their homes for the holidays. Now imagine there are no landfills and no recycling centers. What if you had to keep your trash and recyclables in your own yard? What kinds of things would you buy -- and what wouldn't you buy?

The benefits of playing in the dirt: An interview with leader Bill Vanderberg

  • Posted on 27 October 2017
  • By Will McWhinney

Sierra Club Leader Bill Vanderberg and his student volunteers from the Club's Building Bridges to the Outdoors received the Youth Volunteer Group of the Year from Yosemite National Park in October. The awards are given to outstanding volunteers for exemplary service in the park. Vanderberg's group served in a work party to improve park trails and facilities. How does he connect the Club with kids? Here's an interview with Vanderberg that first appeared in the October 2017 issue of the Central Group Newsletter.

Donate to Sierra Club's fund fund for California fire victims

  • Posted on 19 October 2017
  • By Victoria Brandon

Sierra Club staff and volunteers can see and smell the smoke from our head office in Oakland, and up here in Lake County, I can see and taste the smoke from the fires burning near me and those further south in the wine country.

And what we're seeing and smelling from the multiple wildfires blazing simultaneously around the place I've called home for 36 years is horrific beyond measure: 42 people dead and hundreds missing. More than 5,700 homes and structures destroyed. Schools closed, desperate families camping on beaches. The worst air quality on record.

Why the East San Fernando Valley Transit Corridor deserves your support

  • Posted on 6 October 2017
  • By Jan Kidwell

Are you tired of being stuck in traffic in the San Fernando Valley? Here's a way to be part of the solution. The Los Angeles Metropolitan Transit Authority has spent several years studying the possibility of creating a 9.2-mile line that would travel from Sylmar at the San Fernando Road Metrolink station at its northern end and then head south on Van Nuys Boulevard to the Orange Line station.  

Join us Oct. 19 to speak out against plan to build Huntington Beach desalination plant

  • Posted on 6 October 2017
  • By Ray Hiemstra

Click here to find out how you can take action to stop the Poseidon desalination plant in Huntington Beach.

The California State Lands Commission on Oct. 19 will consider approving an Environmental Impact Report, or EIR, for a destructive Huntington Beach desalination plant by the Poseidon Water. Sierra Club needs you to join us in telling the agency not to certify the plant's EIR and give a greenlight to this damaging project.

2017 winners of Sierra Club National Awards

  • Posted on 22 September 2017
  • By From national Sierra Club staff
Dr. Gordon Nipp, right, received a Special Service Award from Sierra Club National in Washington, D.C. Nipp, who now lives in Bakersfield, was an Angeles Chapter member who served on the Santa Monica Mountains Task Force. Photo by Sharon Koch
