Earth Day: Rendezvous Hikes April 23 to mark John Muir's birthday

  • Posted on 15 March 2017
  • By From Chapter reports

Happy birthday John Muir! Join us for a birthday party to honor the Sierra Club founder, who was born on April 21, 1838.

Four hikes in the Santa Monica Mountains leave from different points and converge at Trippet Ranch for cake and a celebration at noon April 23.

Sierra Club: Pruitt is 'most dangerous' EPA head in U.S. history

  • Posted on 17 February 2017
  • By From Sierra Club national reports

Scott Pruitt, a climate denier whose bio describes him as "a leading advocate against the EPA's activist agenda," received Senate approval Feb. 17 to head the Environmental Protection Agency.

Women's March 2017: A new resolution to fight

  • Posted on 30 January 2017
  • By Maddy Crawford

A new resolution to fight In the aftermath of the November election results has emerged. A majority of people in the country were shocked, grieved and angry to see what kind of person would be representing our country to the world. It seemed, at the time, like a completely unlikely and perverted joke that a corrupt businessman and reality TV star would someday reach the highest post of authority in the country.

How to stand up to Trump policies on environment, immigration and more

  • Posted on 30 January 2017
  • By Kathryn Phillips

After the women's march around the country on Jan. 21, people have been asking what they can do to help make sure President Trump doesn't achieve what his campaign rhetoric -- and now his actions as president -- are trying to achieve: the total rollback of environmental protections, health care, immigrant rights, social justice and general decency.

Angeles Chapter sponsored by Sierra Club Foundation

  • Posted on 22 December 2016
  • By From Chapter reports
In the past, the Angeles Chapter worked closely with two different foundations: The Sierra Club Foundation (the fiscal sponsor for the whole Sierra Club) and the Angeles Chapter Foundation.
As of Dec.4, 2016, the Angeles Chapter is simplifying its approach, and requests that tax-deductible donations to support the Chapter's charitable activities be made only through the Sierra Club Foundation. 
