Adventure in India

  • Posted on 24 May 2012
  • By mforgione

This is one of those trips of a lifetime!  Visit the sights in Delhi, ride a hot air balloon over Jaipur, travel to the countryside to visit Ranthambore National Park and learn about its tiger conservation program.  In the park we’ll travel by safari truck looking for deer, gazelles, antelopes and monkeys. Although most accommodations are in hotels

L.A. votes in plastic bag ban

  • Posted on 23 May 2012
  • By Southern Sierran staff and contributors

The Sierra Club Angeles Chapter applauds the city of Los Angeles' decision to ban plastic bags at supermarket checkout lines. L.A. becomes the largest city in the nation to approve such a ban.

Japan idles its nuclear power plants

  • Posted on 21 May 2012
  • By John Barry

During the first weekend in May, as the Sierra Club’s No Nukes Team hosted its Summit in Washington, D.C., Japan’s last running nuclear reactor was turned off, leaving Japan without nuclear power for the first time in more than four decades.

When fracking becomes a local issue

  • Posted on 11 May 2012
  • By Tom Williams

In a rush to keep developing more natural gas and oil, oil and gas companies are relying more heavily on a technique of stimulation and extraction known as hydraulic fracturing or fracking. Using this process, companies that develop gas and oil wells pump very high-pressure water, chemicals and solids into the ground to fracture rock and extract fuel that would otherwise be unavailable.

Why are we tossing organic waste into landfills?

  • Posted on 9 May 2012
  • By Jeremy Drake

One-third of all the stuff we throw away in L.A. and Orange counties could help improve the health of our communities, prevent climate change, nourish local soils and create good green jobs.

Sierra Club sues to save Santa Clara River

  • Posted on 9 May 2012
  • By Sierra Club reports


The Sierra Club’s Angeles Chapter joined five public-interest groups in April that are suing Los Angeles County over its approval of permits for the first phase of the sprawling Newhall Ranch development.

Climate change: The need for blue-green jobs

  • Posted on 7 March 2012
  • By Tom Politeo

The tug of war over the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline sets the stage for an archetypal battle of tree-huggers against the economy. This is, of course, exactly the way Big Money and Big Oil hope to frame the debate, capitalizing on an economy that has been staggering along on shaky legs.

Homes and oil don't mix in Montebello Hills

  • Posted on 15 February 2012
  • By Yvonne Watson

The Montebello Hills are riddled with old oil wells, and one company intends to keep drilling at a proposed hillside development of 1,200 homes; but are oil and homes really a good mix?  The Sierra Club’s Save the Montebello Hills Task Force says no, and is working to stop the housing project.
