Sinking Thinking – Contrasts In Approaches To Water Law & Policy

  • Posted on 22 March 2024
  • By Shirley Nixon

Angeles Chapter’s Water Committee’s newer member Shirley Nixon, a former public interest environmental lawyer from WA state, ponders her continuing discoveries of differences between Washington & California’s approaches to water management.

Water for Peace: World Water Day 2024

  • Posted on 20 March 2024
  • By SK Bulander

With half of the world’s population experiencing water scarcity for at least a month a year,1 we are teetering on the brink of a global crisis. Our freshwater sources are stretched thinner and thinner as our populations grow and climate change exacerbates droughts and floods. 60% of these water sources are shared between borders2 but with only 16% of the countries that rely on them having cooperation agreements,3this pressure can snap quickly and transform water into a trigger for violence, a weapon, or a casualty.

Update on the Whittier Narrows Dam Safety Modifications

  • Posted on 20 March 2024
  • By Yvonne Martinez Watson

The Whittier Narrows Dam is an earthen dam constructed in 1957 by the United States Army Corps of Engineers. The dam stretches across a narrow gap between the Montebello Hills and the Whittier Hills at the confluence of the Rio Hondo and San Gabriel Rivers. Rosemead Boulevard (California State Route 19) crosses over the top of the dam and passes through the flood plain bordered by both rivers.

Healthy Homes this Holiday Season

  • Posted on 1 November 2023
  • By Kim Orbe, Senior Conservation Program Manager
Recently, I had the opportunity to speak at an event about electrification at Burbank where various of the presenter spoke about why we work on building electrification. We spoke about the environmental social justice aspect and importance, advocacy, local incentives and more. The event was closed with a cooking demonstration on portable induction stoves. I was excited to see firsthand the wide variety of induction stoves, features, sizes and prices!

Pasadena 100 vs. Pasadena Water & Power

  • Posted on 1 November 2023
  • By George Vine, Pasadena Group

Who wins, the planet or the electric utility?

You have electrified your home, and installed solar panels. You drive an electric car and you no longer take commercial airplane flights. You know that all this is just a drop in a very big ocean. What do you do next to save the planet?
