Happy New Year -- and welcome to the Year of Muir!

  • Posted on 22 December 2014
  • By Carole Mintzer, Executive Committee Chair

It’s been 100 years since John Muir walked this earth and we are planning a year-long celebration of his life and his contributions to environmental protection. The Sierra Club itself is one of many reminders of the legacy of Muir and our activism and successes are a tribute to his continued relevance.

Come defend coastal lands at Coastal Commission hearing Jan. 7 – 9

  • Posted on 3 December 2014
  • By Penny Elia

For more than a decade, several coastal Sierra Club Task Forces have been working to protect and preserve our finite coastal resources in L.A. and Orange County.  These highly contentious projects will be coming before the California Coastal Commission from Jan. 7 – 9 in the Los Angeles area. (The exact meeting location TBA, with Santa Monica or West LA being likely locations.)

Sierra Club Task Forces need YOUR help and support!  

How to make solar power even easier for consumers

  • Posted on 1 December 2014
  • By Philip Rojc

California doubled its rooftop solar power installations last year and leads the nation as a solar power giant. These are heady times for the residential solar industry, which has spurred job growth and attracted billions of investment dollars in the state.

Call in for Clean Air on Dec. 4

  • Posted on 25 November 2014
  • By From Chapter reports


Spanish translation:

"Llamado para el Aire Limpio” Junta en persona y Virtual
