Chapter volunteers who made a difference in 2014

  • Posted on 30 January 2015
  • By From Chapter reports

Each year Angeles Chapter Sierra Club gives out awards to volunteers who have shown outstanding commitment and leadership to the club. Below are award winners for 2014. Join us at the Chapter's Annual Awards Banquet on May 3 to salute their good work.

Join us on Channel Islands cruises in spring and fall

  • Posted on 21 January 2015
  • By Joan Jones Holtz

Want to go exploring in your own back yard?

Join us for a three-day, three-island tour of Southern California's enchanted Channel Islands.

Sign up now for the following dates:

March 28-30
April 5-7
May 3-5
June 14-16
July 19-21
August 23-25
September 27-29
October 25-27

High school's Green Club members get their hands dirty

  • Posted on 11 January 2015
  • By Parmount High School's Green Club

[Angeles Chapter Sierra Club Inspiring Connections Outdoors (LA ICO) sponsors trips for approximately 40 members of Paramount High’s Green Club to Bolsa Chica Conservancy in the fall and spring. Kids get to observe changes in the seasons and perform the different kinds of service projects needed at different times of year to preserve the wetlands. Daniel Hasheminejad is a volunteer leader for LA ICO and the teacher adviser for the Green Club at Paramount High School. In January 2014, the Bolsa Chica Land Trust gave him the Kennedy-Kolpin Conservation Award.

Sign our petition to protect Aliso Canyon in O.C.

  • Posted on 5 January 2015
  • By Penny Elia

Sierra Club’s Save Hobo Aliso Task Force was created nearly 15 years ago when threats to the finite natural resources in the Hobo and Aliso Canyon (and creek) areas began in earnest. We have always taken our stewardship of this area very seriously and have been involved at every level of government in our protection and preservation of this area. 

Angeles Chapter video builds on John Muir's legacy

  • Posted on 5 January 2015
  • By Philip Rojc

The Sierra Club draws its strength from passionate people. This idea motivated Angeles Chapter volunteers to create "Be Inspired and Get Involved With the Angeles Chapter," a professionally-shot look at our expanding outreach. Profound environmental challenges have arisen in the century since John Muir walked here, but his legacy lives on.

Sierra Club supports L.A.'s goal for living wages

  • Posted on 22 December 2014
  • By From Chapter reports

The Angeles Chapter of the Sierra Club supports raising the minimum wage in the City of Los Angeles because we realize that the struggles for environmental justice, protection & enjoyment of our earth and its resources, and a living wage are inextricably linked. 

Sierra Club’s mission is:
