Torrance refinery blast shows the need for more scrutiny on air quality

  • Posted on 2 March 2015
  • By Joan Davidson

On Thursday, March 5, the Senate Energy, Utilities and Communications Committee and the Environmental Quality Committee will hold a joint hearing at 6 p.m. March 5 at Torrance City Hall to address the recent ExxonMobil Refinery explosion in Torrance.

Free legal toolbox workshop for environmental activists: Oil production, distribution and fracking

  • Posted on 24 February 2015
  • By Dean Wallraff

Environmental Law Series
A Legal Toolbox for Environmental Activists
Workshop VIII: Oil Production, Distribution and Fracking

Join us for a day of training for activists who want to learn how to use the law to attain their environmental goals. The daylong workshop is free and will focus on oil production, distribution and fracking. Learn the ins and outs of the law with individual lawyers and panels.

8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Saturday, March 21, 2015

You can help save Banning Ranch in Orange County

  • Posted on 23 February 2015
  • By Angélica González
Dear Angeles Chapter Members and Supporters,
Banning Ranch wildlife need your protection!  Sensitive habitat is being threatened once again in Orange County, we urge the Coastal Commission to help save the habitat and wildlife on Banning Ranch!
Sierra Club calls for the following actions: 

Drafting a safe plan for San Onofre's nuclear waste

  • Posted on 12 February 2015
  • By Glenn Pascall

The day Southern California Edison announced it was shutting the troubled San Onofre nuclear power plant -- June 7, 2013 -- was a big day for the Angeles Chapter’s San Onofre Task Force. The Chapter played a part in the decision, but there was little time to celebrate. The focus shifted immediately to the 3,000-plus radioactive rods of spent fuel on site at San Onofre.

Be inspired by 'Soul of a Citizen' author Paul Loeb

  • Posted on 1 February 2015
  • By David Haake, Angeles Chapter Vice Chair

Paul Loeb, who continues to influence a generation of activists with his book "Soul of a Citizen," will be the keynote speaker at a Sierra Club Angeles Chapter fund-raising event March 1.

Living the green life in Leimert Park

  • Posted on 30 January 2015
  • By Angelica Gonzalez
Want to see what real green living looks like?
Join us from 9 a.m. to noon March 28 to see how one Sierra Club member in Leimert Park is doing a good job of living lightly on the planet.
Visitors to the private home will be able to tour the front yard for gardening ideas. The front yard features a native plant garden instead of lawn, a rain barrel to capture precious natural waterfall and an edible ssection with greens planted in a raised bed.
