Azul Blue Walls, Narrow Medina Alleyways, Bumpy Camel Rides: A Sensual Odyssey Through Morocco

  • Posted on 29 May 2024
  • By Angela Mason, LCSW
From May 5 – 19, 2024, the Sierra Club Angeles Chapter and Crescenta Valley Group completed a 1400-mile bus trek through Morrocco. Leaving no stone unturned, we visited 7 UNESCO world heritage sights and climates ranging from the hot dry Sahara dessert to the cooler windy high Atlas Mountains and breezy Mediterranean seaside. In some areas we saw fig trees and bitter Seville oranges, Jacaranda, rosemary, nasturtiums, dates, and almond trees, like we have in California. 

Angeles ICO’s 3rd Annual Earth Day Celebration!

  • Posted on 3 May 2024
  • By Nguyen Tran
After several consecutive weekends of downpour in March, we had some sunshine during our 3rd annual Earth Day celebration at Elysian Park, where 84 family and student participants from two LA schools joined us for a day of outdoor play and fun.

The Angeles Chapter celebrates the expansion of the San Gabriel Mountains National Monument; Calls for more protections

  • Posted on 3 May 2024
  • By John Monsen

President Obama established the 346,000-acre San Gabriel Mountains National Monument almost a decade ago. On March 3rd, President Biden expanded the San Gabriel Mountains National Monument by another 106,000 acres, protecting two-thirds of the 700,000-acre Angeles National Forest. The President acted under the authority of the Antiquities Act, which allows him to protect important scientific, cultural, ecological, and historical resources on federal public lands.  

Water Guide for Water Equity

  • Posted on 3 April 2024
  • By Zoe Cunliffe

Black Women for Wellness' Environmental Justice team has released a comprehensive water guide aimed at addressing water equity in South LA. 


March Appeal: Our biggest annual fundraiser

  • Posted on 1 April 2024
  • By Jennifer Gregg
Every springtime the Angeles Chapter launches a big fundraising appeal, reaching as many donors as possible. The springtime appeal is the largest fundraiser we run, keeping our core environmental work moving ahead as we’ve promised to our members we would. But, mailing thousands of letters is expensive and wasteful. As we stand by our commitment to protect the planet, we are offering alternative ways to reach even more donors - including reducing the number of letters we mail out each year. 
