Festival of Tail-Lights? Humbug!

  • Posted on 31 October 2007
  • By Carol Henning

Photo courtesy Chuck Soter

Tough to make light of this irony: A sign announcing the 30 minute wait time for the driving tour of the Griffith Park Light Festival makes a stark contrast beneath a sign urging people to 'Run for a Green L.A.'

Dr. White Defends Sepulveda's Most Vulnerable Pedestrians

  • Posted on 31 October 2007
  • By Rosemarie White

, Ph.D.
Chair, Endangered Species and Wildlife Committee, Angeles Chapter
Member, National Sierra Club Wildlife and Endangered Species Committee (WESComm)
President, The Canada Goose Project


Photo courtesy Darrell Longmore

California Coastal Commission Undermines Stream Protection

  • Posted on 31 October 2007
  • By Mary Ann Webster

Chair, Santa Monica Mountains Task Force


Photo by Tom Gamache

Solstice Canyon, one of the many scenic wild places that need to be protected in the Santa Monica Mountains Local Coastal Plan.

Club Co-Plaintiff in Development Battle

  • Posted on 31 October 2007
  • By Kc Connors

& Scott Foster


Photo courtesy Doneil Rose

Hawaiian Monk Seal 'N7' & her pup who was born and nursed on the pristine beach at Turtle Bay for 54 days.

Emerging Green Media Amplifies the Environmental Choir

  • Posted on 31 August 2006
  • By Nate Springer

The chorus of environmental voices just got louder. Television channels, print and online magazines, and hundreds of web-logs mark the emergence of a new green media. Bearing names like 'Grist', 'Plenty', and 'TreeHugger', they are savvy and hip, and their voices project beyond the choir of green groupies to resonate among a growing audience.

Abbye Stockton, 1917-2006

  • Posted on 31 August 2006
  • By The Editor

'Pudgy,' as she was known among her fellow weight-lifting and physical fitness aficionados, passed away at the age of 88 on June 26th from complications from Alzheimer's Disease. She was the widow of Les Stockton, who died in April 2004.

The Stocktons met at what is known today as 'Muscle Beach' in Santa Monica. Pudge was pivotal in gaining approval for the idea that women could maintain their femininity while developing physical strength. She even wrote a column in Strength and Health Magazine-then the most popular fitness periodical in the world.

Chaparral: California's Unknown Wilderness

  • Posted on 31 August 2006
  • By Richard W. Halsey

There's a special place in Southern California that most do not know exists. It's time to get introduced. Surprising to many, this unknown land was once the favored home of the California grizzly bear. Its old-growth forms represent one of the state's most priceless natural treasures. When John Muir discovered its beauty he wrote '…in the very heart of this thorny wilderness, down in the dells, you may find gardens filled with the fairest flowers, that any child would love.'
