Save the Date!

  • Posted on 30 April 2008
  • By The Editor

Photo courtesy Susana Reyes

Last year¹s Political Leadership Awardee former Assemblymember Cindy Montanez with Mike Sappingfield, Chair, and Susana Reyes, L.A. County Political Committee. Last year¹s awardees included Fran Pavley, Joe Dunn, Judy Chu, and Paul Koretz. The annual event raises monies for the Chapter¹s political action committee (PAC).

New Submission Requirements

  • Posted on 30 April 2008
  • By The Editor

New Deadline for all submissions - ads, articles, calendar items - the first Friday of each month. Therefore, anything you'd like in the June issue must be submitted by the first Friday in May; anything for July musts be in on the first Friday of June. Articles & Calendar Items: Must be submitted as .rtf file attachments. Calendar items must include sponsoring entity, date, difficulty rating.

Ads must be sent camerea-ready, i.e., electronically, and ready to be laid out in the paper.

Las Lomas Stopped by LA City Council

  • Posted on 30 April 2008
  • By Sandra Cattell

The Sierra Club, along with many others, has opposed the Las Lomas project. The development was proposed to be in a Significant Ecological Area that is the major wildlife corridor between the Santa Susanna and San Gabriel Mountains, and in the path of the Rim of the Valley Corridor. It would have been in a Seismic Hazard Zone, with a landslide overlay and also in a Fire Hazard Zone.

Sierra Club Endorsements

  • Posted on 30 April 2008
  • By The Editor

Los Angeles County Supervisor, 2nd District

Mark Ridley-Thomas (SD 26) South L.A., Westchester, Baldwin Hills, Watts, Crenshaw, Inglewood, Culver City, Florence-Fireston

State Senate Districts

Ellen Louise Wilts (1925-2008)

  • Posted on 30 April 2008
  • By John Ripley

Member of Angeles Chapter History Committee

Photo courtesy Charles Wilts, Ellen & Charles Wilts Collection, Sierra Club-Angeles Chapter Archives

Ellen and Charles Wilts on summit of Mount Lyell, Yosemite National Park, August 1947.

What YOU Can Do To Stop Global Warming

  • Posted on 30 April 2008
  • By Kathy Seal

Global warming got you down? Worried about ice caps and glaciers melting, species disappearing, hurricanes, floods, and tornadoes? (Not to mention possible water shortages in southern California.)

If you're like me, you often use the very human mechanism of denial to cope with this fear. Sometimes I simply skip over newspaper articles about the latest bird species annihilation or prediction of coral death. There's a limit to the bad news I can take in one day!
