Banning Ranch: A Vision

With your help Banning Ranch could become one of Orange County's more impressive natural parks.

412 acres of wetlands and adjacent bluffs with a beautiful panoramic view that stretches from the Huntington Beach Pier to the Newport Beach Harbor with the Palos Verdes peninsula and Catalina in the distance.

This satellite photo & graphic gives an overview of the neighborhoods that border Banning Ranch and the density of the sprawl around Banning Ranch. It highlights the need to acquire and protect this open space to achieve the following goals:

  1. Provide Needed Open Space for Orange County's most densely populated areas so more residents of Orange County can enjoy open space within a 30 minute drive.
  2. Provide recreation for residents--Newport Beach has announced that according to its city charter it is 92 acres short of parklands based on its requirement of 1 acre per 5 thousand residents.
  3. Provide a home for endangered species and for migrating and wintering birds.
  4. Provide a local laboratory and observation area for schools, the public and scientists.
  5. Provide a valuable link between different parts of the proposed 1,000 acre Orange Coast River Park.

ADJACENT COMMUNITIES: Newport Beach, Huntington Beach, Costa Mesa, Fountain Valley