Six national monuments in California that need your help

  • Posted on 2 June 2017
  • By Manuiti Boissard

President Trump's order to review 27 national monuments created over the last two decades includes six in California. Sierra Club, activists and outdoors lovers worked hard to create these public lands for recreation and habitat protection. Now their fate seems in peril.

Sierra Club says no to Trump's plan to withdraw from Paris Accord

  • Posted on 31 May 2017
  • By From national Sierra Club reports
At the close of the 2017 G7 Summit in Italy, the U.S. refused to sign on to a communique reaffirming a strong commitment to swiftly implement the Paris Agreement. Now President Trump has indicated the U.S. will pull out of the accord. Photo by Kiara Worth/IISD/ENB

Stand with the monuments: Tell Interior Sec. Ryan Zinke you want all national public lands to be kept intact

  • Posted on 30 May 2017
  • By From national reports

President Donald Trump recently issued an executive order that directs the Department of the Interior to review national monuments created by Barack Obama, George W. Bush, and Bill Clinton. That’s not only a brazen attack on the 111-year-old Antiquities Act under which those monuments were designated but also a barefaced betrayal of the American people.President Trump Twenty-seven of our national monuments are under attack. 

The public has just weeks to make sure our lands and waters remain protected.

The June 2017 Schedule of Activities is here

  • Posted on 29 May 2017
  • By From Chapter reports

Check out hundreds of Angeles Chapter Sierra Club day hikes, backpacking trips and events coming up this month in the June 2017 Schedule of Activities.

Dowload the issue -- and share it!

Trump's 2018 budget: What it means for the environment (brace yourself)

  • Posted on 25 May 2017
  • By Jim Hines
President Donald Trump's proposed 2018 budget released May 23 will have a negative impact on wildlife, ocean protection and public land resources in Southern California and across our nation.
A few highlights:
--Elimination of royalties paid from offshore oil drilling to federal government (these monies are used to purchase national parklands and state and city grants for local parklands).

Sungevity Bankruptcy Update

  • Posted on 25 May 2017
  • By Sierra Club
Sungevity filed for bankruptcy in March 2017 and has been working to sell its business and obligations.

We need your voice on Bears Ears National Monument by May 26

  • Posted on 19 May 2017
  • By Communications Committee

Following Trump’s Executive Order to review over 20 years of national monument designations, the Department of Interior has announced a shockingly brief 15 day comment period on whether or not Bears Ears National Monument should continue to be protected.
