Get involved in 2018: Think globally, hike locally

  • Posted on 18 December 2017
  • By From Chapter reports

The Angeles Chapter leads thousands of hikes and outings every year, many of them in your neighborhood. Paseos de Sierra Club is a new hike series that’s good for families and bilingual Angelenos who want to explore wildlands near L.A.’s urban core. To find walks and hikes near you, check out our calendar at

Urban hikes, who knew?

Schedule of Activities for December 2017

  • Posted on 30 November 2017
  • By From Chapter reports

Planning your winter hikes and trips?

Check out the December Schedule of Activities for outings, day trips, events and more.

The Sierra Club's California Legislative 2017 Report Card

  • Posted on 27 November 2017
  • By From Sierra Club California

  Sierra Club California recently eleased its 2017 Report Card on the performance of California legislators on environmental issues.

Of the 80 Assembly members, only 13 earned 100% scores, and of the 40 senators, 10 earned 100% scores. More importantly, of the 13 assembly 100-percenters, 5 were members of the legislative class elected for the first time in 2016, and 3 of those replaced poor or mediocre past performers on the score card.
