Southern Sierran Forge Lodge unanimously voted down

  • Posted on 31 August 2005
  • By Dave Brown

The Santa Monica Mountains Task Force and Malibu environmentalists persuaded the Coastal Commission at their Aug. 9 meeting to override a staff recommendation for approval and, instead, vote unanimously to deny approval of the Forge Lodge Hotel adjacent to Solstice Creek in Malibu.

photo by Tom Politeo

Southern Sierran USFS to raise entry fees for National Parks

  • Posted on 31 August 2005
  • By Andrea Leigh

'If it were up to me, the entire forest would be free,' an Angeles National Forest administrator said. 'But we don't live in Wyoming. We live on the edge of a large urban center where 1,000 people at a time take a walk in the woods.'

Griffith Park's Invasive Plants

  • Posted on 31 July 2005
  • By Ron Brusha

Even the natural areas of parks such as Griffith and Elysian contain a higher percentage of exotic plants than much of the rest of the Santa Monica Mountains. This is in large part due to their proximity to urban development and a long history of human meddling intended to beautify or improve the parks.

Animal, human, or wind-borne dispersion of the seeds of imported plants used for landscaping have easily spread these species to our mountain parks.

Bill Lockyer hikes with Club members

  • Posted on 31 July 2005
  • By Garen Yegparian

Bill Lockyer joined members of the Verdugo Hills group on a hike from the Nature Center to a local peak, where he and the other hikers shared food at picnic tables.
photo courtesy Garen Yegparian

News & Notes

  • Posted on 31 July 2005
  • By The Editor

Chapter office seeks volunteers
Office hours are Monday through Friday, 10am to 6pm. Volunteers at the front desk answer inquiries about conservation and political issues, membership matters, hikes, trips, publications, and meetings. They handle mail, learn to use the Sierra Club's website and Chapter database and process donations. Shift: four hours once a week.

CEQA under attack in Sacramento

  • Posted on 31 July 2005
  • By Bill Allayaud

, State Legislative Director

We are in a real fight in Sacramento. The fight is over the wish of developers to weaken our single most important environmental law. At stake is the ability of Californians and planners to design development that has fewer impacts on our air, water, and land. As you can imagine, developers have kept up a steady effort over the years to weaken the California Environmental Quality Act, or CEQA. But they apparently have a new ally in the corner office - Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Environmentalists win fight to keep NFL team out of Pasadena

  • Posted on 31 July 2005
  • By Don Bremner

In the end, the arguments of preservationists, parkland advocates, environmentalists and worried neighbors carried the day. A 4-4 vote from the Pasadena City Council killed the plan to base a National Football League team at the Rose Bowl, and the city began searching for an alternate plan for preserving the 82-year-old stadium with needed repairs and upgrades at a reasonable cost.

The Green Gardener: Earth-friendly alternative lawn care

  • Posted on 31 July 2005
  • By Julia Jones Ufkes

I know this is a risky place to go, but I'm going to discuss that sacred cow of American gardening, the lawn. As a nation we have a love affair with our lawns. We love the look and feel and smell of them. And though they do have their benefits, they also can be a detriment to the environment, and sometimes to you.
