Santa Clarita Residents Invite You To Help Get SC Valley Off the Grid

  • Posted on 31 January 2010
  • By Steve Kassel

, a psychotherapist, wrote a letter to the editor of the Newhall Signal stating that HOAs could be pivotal in creating or supporting large-scale projects to convert homes to solar by buying in bulk and lowering the costs to the home owner. We met up and created SCV Off the Grid. Since then, we have been holding monthly public meetings defining a project, making community contacts, and building an informational website for local residents wanting to move into a modern energy future.

Notes from Copenhagen: America Must Lead on Climate Change

  • Posted on 31 January 2010
  • By The Editor

As a local leader for the League of Women Voters, I was a member of an eight woman observer delegation to Copenhagen for the 15th meeting of the Conference of Parties to the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change. Along with thousands of other members of nongovernmental organizations, including the 75 member delegation from the Sierra Club, I was one of 40,000 credentialed people to stand in line to witness history in the making.

An Award for Energy Awareness and Good Business Sense

  • Posted on 31 January 2010
  • By Susan Greer
Credit: Timothy Cormack

To encourage the Orange County business community to use energy (the unseen juice that makes things run) from green source, the OC Global Warming Committee initiated the 'Solar Powered Building' Award and visibility project.

Hot Ticket

  • Posted on 31 January 2010
  • By The Editor
Columbia Glacier, Prince William Sound
Credit: Courtesy Stephen Cruises
Alaskan Brown Bears at Play
Courtesy: Derek Wallentinsen, Shadowcaster Press

Sierra Club Diversity Statement

  • Posted on 31 January 2010
  • By The Editor

The Sierra Club values diversity in our members, staff and supporters, and we embrace these differences, including race, class and ethnicity, among many others.

We welcome diverse individuals and their perspectives, and we promote a sense of inclusion by acknowledging that:

  • Diversity is a conservation necessity and a social imperative that will enable the Club to continue as a leader of the environmental movement.

Serving a Diverse Community: Kenneth Hahn State Recreation Area

  • Posted on 31 January 2010
  • By Carol Henning

Driving south on La Cienega Boulevard, en route from Hollywood to LAX, I often passed a sign announcing the Kenneth Hahn State Recreation Area. 'One of these days,' I would promise myself, 'I'm going to check this out.' From the car, all I could see was oil rigs nodding their heads among patches of coastal sage scrub. But, joining Joe Young of the Airport-Marina Group for a post-Christmas hike, I was surprised and delighted to find a park with attractions as diverse as the community it serves.
