Volunteer Corner: We Need You!

  • Posted on 31 March 2011
  • By The Editor

Your Database Expertise Can Help Support the Angeles Chapter Conservation and Outings Programs for the next 100 Years and Beyond

The Angeles Chapter Foundation needs a database expert to help create a database for its legacy project which will be seeking donations and bequests for its conservation and outings endowments - to ensure that Angeles Chapter conservation and outings programs and activities will continue to thrive for the next 100 years and beyond. From more information, contact paulsailer@roadrunner.com.

The Grand Canyon is Drowning In Noise

  • Posted on 31 March 2011
  • By The Editor
The Grand Canyon: a place of quiet splendor or repository for helicopters buzzing? Tell the Park Service what you think by June 20, 2011
photo by Dennis Brownridge

Tell NPS To Keep The Helicopters Down Comment Letters Accepted Until June

Standoff At The Palos Verdes Peninsula

  • Posted on 31 March 2011
  • By Vic Otten
Attorney Vic Otten (left) and Attorney Bud Katzman take in the view from Thunder Hawk Hill
photo by Rachel Gretch
photo by Garin Yegparian

Activist Square Off Against Equestrian Group Circling Wagons To Protect Backroom Deal With Developer

Whale Watch Fundraiser a Success

  • Posted on 31 March 2011
  • By Shirley Hickman

Saturday, March 12th, the day after the tsunami in Japan and despite its damaging effect on sections of the California coast, 75 hearty folks participated in a whale watch fundraiser out of Long Beach Harbor to benefit ICO.

A pod of three grey whales spouted and lobtailed (lifted their flukes out of the water) at regular four to six minute intervals several times in easy viewing distance from our ship, Liberty. Sea lions basked on a buoy and on rocks and dolphins played near our ship. Cormorants and brown pelicans flew nearby...

Energy Upgrade California:

  • Posted on 31 March 2011
  • By The Editor

L.A. County's Plan To Save Homeowners Money, Create Green Jobs & Reduce Carbon Footprint

Starr Ranch BBQ Is May 12, 2011

  • Posted on 28 February 2011
  • By Mike Sappingfield

Mark your calendars for May 12: you don't want to miss the 12th annual picnic at the Audubon Society's Sanctuary, Starr Ranch, will be held on May 15th from 1 to 5 pm. This year we also celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Angeles Chapter

Special Flight Rules Area for Grand Canyon National Park

  • Posted on 28 February 2011
  • By The Editor
Helicopters take tour groups to view the splendor of the Grand Canyon. But what about those of us who'd like a little silence with our awe of nature? NPS has released a draft EIS containing several proposals for flight rules in Grand Canyon National Park.
photo by Jim McCarthy

Urban Conservation Walks

  • Posted on 28 February 2011
  • By Ron Schrantz

I want to tell you about an exciting series of ‘urban conservation walks' planned for the beginning of April 2011.

Over the years, I have presented a set of local, rather easy walks/ hikes to view conservation areas in the Orange County. Some of these walks have explored the local wetlands and birding areas; some have focused on riparian areas and some on our local Orange County wilderness parks.
