Port Rail Yard Plan Deficient

  • Posted on 31 October 2011
  • By Tom Williams

After almost ten years of planning, a lot of studies and negotiations, the Los Angeles Harbor Department has circulated its Draft Environmental Impact Report of more than 2000 pages for an expanded rail yard, the Southern California International Gateway.

This rail yard will receives trucks from the Port of Los Angeles and transfer them to BNSF railcars with hours of operation paralleling those of the port, which can run day and night seven days a week.

Happy Birthday Angeles Chapter

  • Posted on 30 September 2011
  • By Sandra Cattell

For a century, we have been hiking the hills and enjoying our natural environment. But the Sierra Club Angeles Chapter encompasses much more. We have endorsed ideas that protect the planet and the politicians who promote them. We are advocates for state and national parks, protecting rivers, oceans and the water we drink, as well as clean air to breathe. We are promoters of recycling, responsible transportation systems, and renewable energy that goes beyond coal and oil. We save open space and endangered species. One hundred years of comraderie with like-minded individuals,.

Angeles Chapter Supports Crest to Coast Trail

  • Posted on 30 September 2011
  • By Sandra Cattell

A new trail from the Pacific Crest Trail, to the Pacific Ocean, almost 100 miles, is finally becoming a reality. Located on the ridgeline of the San Gabriel Mountains, above Santa Clarita, this trail will feature exquisite scenic views of both Los Angeles to the south, and Santa Clarita and the Tehachapi Mountains to the north. Your mode of travel could be on foot, on a mountain bike, or on horseback. In addition, side trails, and loops of varying length and difficulty will connect to the main trail, allowing for long or short day trips or different length multi-day trips.

Contemplating Our Second 100 Years

  • Posted on 30 September 2011
  • By The Editor

The closer we get to the Chapter's 100th birthday, the more I find myself thinking about how the chapter will spend its second hundred years?

What great conservation battles will the next century bring with it?

Will the victories of present-day Angeles stand the test of time? What great stories from the eariest 2lst century will future Chapter members use to inspire? Which will be high- lighted in retrospect when the Chapter prepares to turn 200?

What will the Chapter be known for on its 200th birthday? What will that birthday party be like? What will I wear?

Meet The Future...If You Dare

  • Posted on 30 September 2011
  • By Elizabeth Saas

Fear not, gentle readers. For I have been to our future and it was just fine. What's our future like, I'm sure you're wondering. Who'd.have guessed our future was somebody else's past. In 1993, magic exists. Wizards at Adobe have just brought a marvel called Portable Document Format (PDF) into existance.

My quest? Bring this magical PDF back to our world so that with It, our society may advance and our readers can go paperless. Long story short, you send us your name, email and snail mail; we take you off the list of people receiving paper copies and email you a PDF of each issue.

Eco-Enlightenment at UCLA

  • Posted on 31 August 2011
  • By Carol Henning

Education is the theme of this Southern Sierran, and certainly teaching children about the wonders of the ecosystem that sustains us is supremely important. But, what is offered to college-age young people or to older adults ready for career change or enhancement? Various programs are provided by UCLA, ranked in the top 10 eco-enlightened universities in the nation by Sierra Magazine (2009).

Camping With Kids

  • Posted on 31 August 2011
  • By Elizabeth Neat

'When can we go camping again. Grandma?' asked my four year old granddaughter.

Those words gave me goose bumps, because nothing is more satisfying to me than sharing the out of doors with young people, especially my nearest and dearest.

To begin, with, not everyone in my family agreed that taking preschoolers camping was a good idea. When I told my older and childless son, the long distance solo hiker, that I was taking the girls camping, he replied 'Count me out. They're too young I'll wait ‘til they're older.'

Take Action On Newhall Ranch

  • Posted on 31 August 2011
  • By The Editor

We have received notice from the County of a Public Hearing on the FEIR for one of the tract maps for Newhall Ranch The meeting will be at the Board of Supervisor's on Tuesday, Oct. 4th at 9:30am. We are requesting that concerned members support our efforts to halt this next phase of the project by commenting at the hearing. The proposed Newhall Ranch project would have a permanent detrimental affect to our community for many decades to come by closing off wildlife corridors, worsening traffic along Interstate. 5, and increasing air pollution.

Become a Sierra Club Outings Leader : Leadership Training October 1, 2011

  • Posted on 31 August 2011
  • By Ron Campbell

Interested in becoming an outings leader for the club?

Angeles Chapter is home to one of the largest outings programs on the planet - thousands of trips ranging from beach barbecues to mountaineering expeditions.

You can take the first step toward becoming a leader by attending a class offered by the chapter Leadership Training. Committee on Saturday, Oct. 1, at Eaton Canyon Nature Center in Pasadena.
