News Blog

Welcome to the Southern Sierran, published by the Angeles Chapter of the Sierra Club, serving Los Angeles and Orange Counties.

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News Archive
September 1, 2008 By Mike Sappingfield

On August 11th, the California State Capitol was invaded by a host of Sierra Club Volunteers intent on convincing their local legislators to vote the right way on a number of bills. The Annual Lobby Day is hosted by the Sierra Club California, our advocates in Sacramento. Forty Sierra Club volunteers from throughout the entire state volunteered to take on this rewarding task.

September 1, 2008 By Jeff Miller

September 1, 2008 By Gabi Mclean

September 1, 2008 By The Editor

September 1, 2008 By George Hague

August 1, 2008 By Ed Hopkins

August 1, 2008 By The Editor

August 1, 2008 By Maddalena Serra

August 1, 2008 By The Editor

August 1, 2008 By Jeff Yann

August 1, 2008 By Douglas Kent

July 1, 2008 By The Editor

July 1, 2008 By The Editor

July 1, 2008 By Alan Pollack

June 1, 2008 By The Editor

June 1, 2008 By Tom Politeo

June 1, 2008 By David Czamanske

June 1, 2008 By Tom Politeo

June 1, 2008 By The Editor

June 1, 2008 By The Editor

May 1, 2008 By Carol Henning

May 1, 2008 By Mike Sappingfield

May 1, 2008 By John Ripley

May 1, 2008 By The Editor

May 1, 2008 By Sandra Cattell

May 1, 2008 By The Editor

May 1, 2008 By The Editor

May 1, 2008 By Rosemarie White

May 1, 2008 By The Editor

May 1, 2008 By Kathy Seal

April 1, 2008 By The Editor

April 1, 2008 By The Editor

April 1, 2008 By John Lajeuness

April 1, 2008 By The Editor
