News Blog

Welcome to the Southern Sierran, published by the Angeles Chapter of the Sierra Club, serving Los Angeles and Orange Counties.

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News Archive
July 28, 2015 By From Chapter reports

July 21, 2015 By Sarah S. Mosko

July 14, 2015 By Shirley Weizma

July 6, 2015 By From Chapter reports

July 5, 2015 By From Chapter reports

July 2, 2015 By George Watland

Jeremy Evans, an Angeles Chapter backpacking leader and John Muir enthusiast, commemorates the Year of Muir with a YouTube documentary of his solo hike along the John Muir Trail.

June 19, 2015 By Bruce Hamilton, Deputy Executive Director, Sierra Club

Sierra Club has committed to advance diversity, equity and inclusion goals. We are encouraging staff and volunteers to seek out opportunities for training, learning and action.  In the wake of the tragic, racially motivated shooting in Charleston, our friends at Showing Up for Racial Justice (SURJ) have organized a call tonight that will offer training and opportunities.

June 10, 2015 By From Chapter reports

National Park Service is accepting comments through June 30. Check out the study and the map and make your voice heard.

June 10, 2015 By From Chapter reports

June 2, 2015 By Bruce Hamilton, Deputy Director of the Sierra Club

May 18, 2015 By From Sierra Club reports

April 30, 2015 By From Chapter news

April 29, 2015 By From Sierra Club reports

April 21, 2015 By From Sierra Club reports

April 15, 2015 By Chapter reports

April 15, 2015 By Mark Mitchell

Sierra Club members heading to Onion Valley got a lesson in skhiking, thanks to California's devastating drought.

April 13, 2015 By Ray Hiemstra

Sign the Sierra Club petition to keep a desalination plant proposal in Huntington Beach from harming marine life.

March 31, 2015 By From Chapter reports

March 26, 2015 By Terry Welsh

Activists score a victory when developer settles with California Coastal Commission and agrees to stop damaging habitat at the coastal open space site.

March 23, 2015 By Carol Henning

L.A.'s Department of Recreation and Parks is reopening long-closed roads in Griffith Park in a pilot program aimed at handling Hollywood Sign tourists. Is it a good idea?

March 18, 2015 By Yvonne Watson

The South Coast Air Qualtiy Management District will hold a key hearing in Montebello about oil and gas wells throughout Southern California. Join us!

March 10, 2015 By Carole Mintzer

It's hard to know what the tipping point was in this land battle but one thing's for sure: The Sierra Club never, never, never gave up.

March 10, 2015 By Elaine Trogman

There's a sweet, natural side to the concrete-lined L.A. River, and children could learn a lot by visiting.

March 10, 2015 By Philip Rojc

Author Paul Loeb talks hope -- how to preserve it and how to use it for your next environmental battle.

March 10, 2015 By Jane Simpson

One-day leadership training will be held April 11 at Eaton Canyon Nature Center in Pasadena.

March 3, 2015 By From Chapter reports

March 2, 2015 By Carole Mintzer

The Angeles Chapter's Annual Report takes stock of all we've done in 2014 -- and all we have yet to do. Join us!

March 2, 2015 By Glenn Pascall and Chapter reports

Sierra Club's deputy executive director and John Muir aficionado Bruce Hamilton will be keynote speaker.

March 2, 2015 By Philip Rojc

Comment by March 17 on the EPA's stronger federal smog standards. This is a life and death issue for millions of Americans who suffer from respiratory issues like asthma.

March 2, 2015 By Joan Davidson

Sierra Club is concerned about air quality and health impacts in the wake of the Feb. 18 refinery explosion.

February 24, 2015 By Dean Wallraff

Join us for a day of legal training with lawyers and panels at Loyola Law School in Los Angeles.

February 23, 2015 By Angélica González

Sign a petition that will forever protect one of Orange County's last remaining wetlands.

February 12, 2015 By Bruce Hale

The Angeles Chapter led its first trip to Cuba last year.

February 12, 2015 By Glenn Pascall

First came the shutdown of the San Onofre nuclear plant. Now the Chapter works with other groups to oversee safe removal of nuclear fuel.

By David Haake, Angeles Chapter Vice Chair
Come meet the man who wrote the activist handbook -- and shares the secret to living a life of social commitment.

January 30, 2015 By Angelica Gonzalez

Come tour an L.A. home that's outfitted with rooftop solar panels and has sustainable gardens too. And did we mention the Tesla and Leaf that will be on display?

January 30, 2015 By From Chapter reports

January 27, 2015 By From Chapter reports

First 50 people to show up will get in! Sierra Club giveaways too!
