Meet Our New Chapter Coordinator

  • Posted on 12 June 2023
  • By Angeles Chapter Updates
The Angeles Chapter is delighted to welcome Jeremy Goldsby as its new Chapter Coordinator.
Jeremy Goldsby, Chapter Coordinator
Jeremy brings a combination of financial, environmental, and developmental skills to the Chapter and aspires to be a dependable member, on both a financial and interpersonal basis. He is a native of Pink Hill, NC, a small village-like town that sits in the corner of Southeastern North Carolina. Jeremy also earned a B.A. in International Studies with a concentration in Development and Sustainability from UNC-Charlotte (Go Niners!). He was very involved on campus, so much so that he was recently added to the UNCC Student Involvement Legacy Wall. 
Jeremy is a long-time climate activist who has a passion for advocating for rural BIPOC communities that are the most vulnerable to the effects of climate change. Being a native of Southeastern North Carolina, Jeremy has lived through numerous hurricanes; however, the aftermath of Hurricane Florence made him devote his life to fighting Climate Change. Seeing the "People Power" of his community inspired him, along with six of his friends, which resulted in the founding of Table 33 ("T33"), a social justice collective. Within T33, Jeremy is responsible for creating learning materials for a wide variety of ages that are relevant for coastal, and rural communities. Through T33, Jeremy joined the Sunrise Movement where he helped reactivate the UNC: Charlotte Hub, met and strategized climate policies with Greta Thunberg, protested at the White House (twice, and even gave a speech!), and deepened his love for the Earth and his desire to protect its natural resources. 
Jeremy enjoys anything that has to do with water (even though he's afraid of fish) and you'll occasionally find him at Venice Beach or Santa Monica walking and enjoying the view! During the Winter months, you can catch Jeremy at UCLA watching their gymnastics team on a "meet-ly" basis! His favorite gymnastics team is Fisk University's--the first HBCU gymnastics team! During the remainder of the year, Jeremy enjoys Alabama Football, watching food documentaries, and participating in various community-building events that directly assist the BIPOC population of Los Angeles.
Jeremy looks forward to working with and meeting everyone! He believes that our shared Core Values as a Club and Chapter will bring us closer to mitigating climate change.
Jeremy can be reached at
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Welcome to the Sierra Club Angeles Chapter

Thank you so much, Margee!

Welcome Jeremy, to be the Chapter coordinator. I will work with you on year end financials. It's good to know you.

Thank you, Cherry! I look forward to getting to know and working with you!

Welcome to the Angeles Chapter, Jeremy! I look forward to meeting you.

Thank you, Diane! I look forward to meeting you as well!

So proud of you and all the things you’re doing, congratulations friend!

Welcome to Sierra Club Jeremy. It was nice to meet you recently

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