Fall 2020 SC's Independent Action Battleground State's Program for our Environment

Mark Your Calendars for Fall 2020: 
Join the Sierra Club’s Independent Action Battleground States Team!
This coming November, everything will be on the line: a healthy climate, safe environment, a functioning democracy, and equity and justice for our most vulnerable communities.  And the Sierra Club's Independent Action is ramping up as never before to ensure our voices and issues are heard and every vote is counted. 
Join Sierra Club’s Presidential Program here!
The Sierra Club recognizes that Donald Trump is a catastrophic President for the environment.  We simply can’t afford another four years with his wrecking crew doing errands for the fossil fuel industry and dismantling every possible safeguard for the climate, public lands, and healthy communities.  
Our Battleground States program will be mobilizing in the states where this pivotal race will be decided in 2020, ensuring that the voice for climate justice and a clean environment is heard loud and clear! 
Join Sierra Club’s Presidential Program here!
Make no mistake, there are critical races and issues at stake locally, and we want everyone to help our Chapter elect good candidates at every level.  
But those of us who are eager to help win back the White House, are also invited to join the Sierra Club’s Battleground States program. From October 24 to November 3 we will be knocking on doors and getting voters to the polls in the states where the Presidential contest is likely to be closest. At the moment this list includes Michigan, Florida, Pennsylvania and Arizona. There will also be opportunities for people to text, make phone calls, and communicate from home to potential voters in swing states who care about our issues. 
Please consider joining us for a week or more in the final push before election day, and inviting your friends to participate, too!  
Everything we care about is at stake this year.  Let’s Make America Green Again in 2020. 
Photo by Grant Neufeld
Top photo: Fabrice Florin


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