Passages/Edgar Wayburn

  • Posted on 31 March 2010
  • By The Editor
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'20th-Century John Muir' pursued environmentalism in
addition to being a physican and family man.

Five-term Sierra Club President and Presidential Medal of Freedom winner,

Dr. Edgar Wayburn died late Friday March 5, 2010, at his home in San Francisco in the presence of his family. He was 103. Sierra Club Deputy Executive Director Bruce Hamilton describes Dr. Wayburn as 'one of the towering figures on the national and world stage of conservation. He was the 20th Century John Muir.'

Ed would take a vision such as protecting 100 million acres of Alaska or protecting the Marin Headlands as a national park and run with it until he accomplished what seemed impossible. He enlisted the help of Presidents, Cabinet members, powerful members of Congress, mayors, and millions of Americans and would not take no for an answer. This is why he is credited by President Clinton as 'the man who saved more wilderness and parks in the United States than any other American.'

When you or your grandchildren marvel at the wilderness in Redwood National Park, Alaska, or the Marin Headlands you will be witnessing the living legacy of Ed Wayburn. It is his lasting gift to all of us.

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