Chapter hires new director

  • Posted on 31 January 2006
  • By Dominique Dibbell

After a long vacancy, the position of senior Chapter director for the Angeles Chapter was filled by Ron Silverman.

Silverman, who was hired on Jan. 9, has worked for over 15 years in the nonprofit arena. Most recently he served as executive director for the American Cancer Society for Los Angeles. Before that he was executive director for the March of Dimes L.A. Division, vice president of development for the Easter Seal Society of Southern California, and director of development for the City of Hope.

New Chapter director Ron Silverman.

'We're absolutely delighted to have Ron aboard,' said Chapter chair Mike Sappingfield. 'He's going to be a major asset in our work to preserve what remaining open spaces we have left in L.A. and Orange counties.'

Sappingfield was part of the search team that included then-chair Virgil Shields and ExComm members Robin Ives and Donna Specht.

'It's exciting to be a part of the Chapter as it's going through a reorganizing phase,' said Silverman. 'Everyone seems to be on board with making the Chapter even more effective.'

Silverman is originally from Boston, Mass. He has lived in Los Angeles for 28 years.

In late spring of last year, the Chapter lost director Jack Bohlka, coordinator Linda Hoyer, and conservation coordinator Johanna Zetterberg in quick succession. Hoyer was quickly replaced by George Denny. Zetterberg was replaced in November by Jennifer Robinson.

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