Little Hikers: Because It's Never Too Early to Teach 'Explore, Enjoy, Protect'

  • Posted on 31 March 2010
  • By Silvia Darie

No child will be left indoors, not if we can help it! We are proudly announcing the restart of Little Hikers/ Junior Explorers Committee!

Do you have a little tike or a junior explorer that you would like to teach the wonders of nature? Come with us. We have activities for families with children. Typical outings include carcamps, dayhikes, picnics and skiing. They provide a unique opportunity for our children to learn about conservation, to explore, enjoy and protect the wilderness. All outings are family outings; and each child must be accompanied by a parent, legal guardian or responsible adult with permission from parents. Events are also suitable for beginning hikers. Newcomers are welcome.

The events are currently listed at the La Cresenta website and the OCSS website . A website to call our own will be ready soon.

We need leaders too! Leading outings for families with children provides a higher degree of satisfaction and deeper learning. So, if you are a Sierra Club leader, great. Please contact Silvia or Donna to help set up events.

If you are not a leader, but want to become one, contact Silvia for more information about leadership training in Griffith Park on April 10.

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I am a Sierra Club Leader and would like to get involved in "No child left indoors" program.

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