January/February calendar for upcoming hikes, trips and events

  • Posted on 2 January 2013
  • By From Angeles Chapter reports

Get outdoors! The online Schedule of Activities (OARS) at the Angeles Chapter website (angeles.sierraclub. org) lists hundreds of hikes, backpacks, tours, bicycle rides, ski and snowshoe trips and more. Enter a date range online to find outings in your area and beyond. Here’s a sampling of upcoming events. Details can be found online.

Trail crew works to reopen fire-ravaged Strawberry Peak Trail

  • Posted on 2 January 2013
  • By mforgione

Named in the 1880s for its resemblance to a berry with its tip pointing up, Strawberry Peak has remained a popular climb ever since.

At 6,164 feet, it’s the highest summit in the front range of the San Gabriel Mountains, edging out nearby San Gabriel Peak by 3 feet if erosion and tectonic shifts haven’t changed things too much recently.

23rd Camera Committee Photo Auction raises more than $5,000

  • Posted on 2 January 2013
  • By From Angeles Chapter reports

More than 70 members of the Angeles Chapter’s Camera Committee and their guests attended the 23rd Photo Auction Party at the G2 Gallery in Venice on Nov 10. This Camera Committee fund raiser is held every four to five years.

Beyond Coal 2012: By the numbers

  • Posted on 2 January 2013
  • By From Sierra Club reports

Here's a 2012 update on Sierra Club's Beyond Coal campaign.

• No new coal plants broke ground – the third year in a row that the campaign prevented any new coal plants from starting construction.

• No new coal export facilities broke ground in the Pacific Northwest.

• 13 proposed coal plants abandoned or defeated.

• 54 coal plants retired or announced to retire, with a grand total of 126 coal plants announced for retirement since January 2010.

Activitsts keep up pressure to close coal plants

  • Posted on 2 January 2013
  • By From Sierra Club reports

Over the past 12 months, the nationwide campaign to phase out coal burning in the United States continued to win victories from coast to coast, including securing dozens of coal plant retirements and record investments in wind and solar. Facing unprecedented public opposition, the coal industry experienced numerous setbacks in 2012 as its market share fell and stock prices tanked.

Fracking plans dealt a setback in Bakersfield

  • Posted on 4 December 2012
  • By From Sierra Club reports

Oil companies that want to extract oil using hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, techniques in California may now find the controversial process a tough sell.

Greening Our Waste in L.A. and Orange counties

  • Posted on 4 December 2012
  • By Jeremy Drake and Marjorie Phan

Sierra Club staff members and activists recently surveyed 23 cities in Los Angeles and Orange counties to better understand what the region is doing with discarded food scraps and yard trimmings. Does it go into methane-belching landfills or are cities finding a way to compost? The data gathered will help the Club push for more sustainable management of these materials, known in waste parlance as “organics.”
