Help us reach more members through video and podcasts!

  • Posted on 1 November 2021
  • By Everette Phillips

We are looking for environmentally inclined individuals who have an interest in digital marketing and digital strategies with an ambition to participate in the creation of video interview and podcasts then reorganize the content into snack size video and memes for broader social media – learn more here: Virtual organizational meetings are Monday evening sign up for details.

Coastal Activist Primer: Intro to the Coastal Act

  • Posted on 1 November 2021
  • By Seth Weisbord
Often Sierra Club members become concerned about conservation issues along the coastline of LA and Orange Counties. Usually, this means having some knowledge about the California Coastal Act and California Coastal Commission is useful. This article is part of a planned series of articles and videos/podcasts to help those new to coastal activism quickly come up to speed on how to be effective in protecting our coastal environment.
Introduction to the Coastal Act

West Hollywood Takes a Stand Against Plasticware

  • Posted on 1 November 2021
  • By Juliet Fang, Communications Volunteer
The scene is all too familiar: a crinkly bag handed to us at our doorstep or a restaurant, the bag’s THANK YOUs stretched pink as it struggles to contain the tower of squeaky Styrofoam containers stashing steaming takeout. Nestled somewhere in the bag are thick, plastic utensils each sealed in their own clear baggies, sitting alongside an accouterment of condiment packets. 

Irvine and Los Angeles each win $1M Cool Cities Grant

  • Posted on 27 October 2021
  • By mgoodwin
Thanks to hundreds of people who have signed up as Cool Block captains, the cities of Irvine and Los Angeles are about to get a whole lot cooler. 
The Cities of Los Angeles and Irvine have been chosen as two of three CA cities to participate in the Cool City Challenge to create a climate moonshot strategy — an ambitious, exploratory, and ground-breaking approach to reach communitywide, inclusive sustainability. 

Newport Beach Film Festival Opens this Thursday!

  • Posted on 18 October 2021
  • By Angeles Chapter Updates
The Angeles Chapter is excited to announce our partnership with the Newport Beach Festival Environmental Film Festival Series, October 21 - 28, 2021.

National Public Lands Day - Sierra Club Trail Crew in action

  • Posted on 1 October 2021
  • By Morgan Goodwin

Thank you to all the volunteers who showed up for this year's National Public Lands Day! I joined our volunteers this Saturday at Peter Strauss Ranch. This is a National Park Service site, which we partner with to help maintain the trails. 
