DESTINATION: Return To Costa Rica Paradise Beckons February 11-26, 2011

  • Posted on 31 August 2010
  • By Donna Specht

Friendly, peaceful Costa Rica is the southern most country in Central America with an immense range of climates, flora and fauna of particular interest to naturalists from around the world. In 1948 Costa Rica voted to abolish its army and has avoided the despotic dictatorships, military coups and internal turmoil that have plagued other countries in the region. It boasts a high level of sanitation and education, and is one of the most literate nations on earth.

Make Money--and to Make It Greener With Emerging, Eco-Focused Fields

  • Posted on 31 August 2010
  • By Alex Mittelman

Have you recently lost your job? Are you tired of working the same job? Maybe you don't get paid enough, or perhaps you simply want to change your career.

Do you also care about the environment?

If you do, and you're considering employment change, consider a career path that green your wallet and the environment.

The options are as vast as the Internet. A quick tour provided me with these exciting options:

Let's Make Every Day Save The Whales Day

  • Posted on 30 June 2010
  • By Penny Elia
At the May 23 demonstration: they are voicing their opinion to elected officials about the proposal to resume commercial whaling. Will you?
photo by Penny Elia

Water Committee Celebrates Anniversary With a Win

  • Posted on 30 June 2010
  • By Charming Evelyn

As we go to press, the Water Committee received some good news just in time to celebrate its anniversary. In fact, it's the best kind of news any conservation committee can hope for: that our hard work is paying off, that people in power are listening to us and responding, and that we are achieving our goals. We have recently received a letter from Councilmember Paul Koretz's office informing us that an idea we had pushed for has come to fruition.

Chapter Leadership Academy Offers Training To Volunteers

  • Posted on 30 June 2010
  • By Carol Henning

How does one join the Sierra Club Activist Network? What is the Angeles Chapter doing to make its membership more diverse? What is the best way to make media contacts? How can one start a blog? What is a 'presentation in a can'?
