Sustainable Office Policy: Validate My Bus Or Bike Ticket?

  • Posted on 7 January 2022
  • By Morgan Goodwin
I am often surprised at the ubiquity of parking validation. It’s the norm in Southern California, but I’ve only been here a few years, and still have that ‘fresh eyes’ view.
Parking validation makes sense, as a practice of welcoming visitors in a car-dominant but, parking-constrained city. It’s courteous, like offering your guests a cup of tea. But it’s also inequitable – why should someone’s costs of visiting you be covered only if they use a car, but not by other means of travel?

Chapter transportation advocate honored by Move LA

  • Posted on 4 June 2012
  • By Southern Sierran staff and contributors

Move LA honors Sierra Club activist and former Angeles Chapter Chair Darrell Clarke as a Great Transit Champion for his dogged advocacy of public transportation in Southern California.

The transportation coalition lauded Clarke for stepping up and advocating for the Exposition Line at a time when transit’s future looked especially bleak.