Angeles Chapter Proposes Plastic Procurement Reduction (Everywhere)

  • Posted on 27 June 2024
  • By Simone Kuhfal Schmidt
Plastics are made to last forever. Yet, many of the products are used only for a few moments. When plastic enters the environment, it breaks up into smaller and smaller pieces that act as magnets for harmful chemical pollutants and become dispersed in the air, water, soil, and ocean, entering the food chain for people and wildlife. Plastic has been found in drinking water, food, and human breast milk, placenta, lung, blood, heart, liver and gut tissues. 

Don’t Use My Pension to Support Big Oil and Big Plastic

  • Posted on 14 June 2024
  • By John Armstrong
“By 2050, plastic production is predicted to account for 50% of oil and fracked gas demand growth,” stated the California Assembly Natural Resources Committee in its bill analysis of the now-dead AB 2648 procurement reduction of single-use plastic beverage bottles.  

Plastic Recycling Won't Fix Environmental Injustice

  • Posted on 28 March 2024
  • By Hoiyin Ip, Sierra Club California Zero Waste Committee Co-Chair
I’m bothered by the lopsided emphasis on plastic recycling over the environmental injustices caused by plastic production and disposal. 

The Plastic Fight: Why Showing Up Matters

  • Posted on 25 February 2024
  • By Hoiyin Ip

Last November, Irvine captured statewide attention for its decision to nix a proposed plastics ban despite overwhelming community support.

Irvine's Ambitious Plastics Ban Met a Hurdle: A Closer Look at the Industry Pushback

  • Posted on 4 December 2023
  • By Hoiyin Ip
In a surprising turn of events, Irvine's groundbreaking plastics ban, seven years in the making, faced an unexpected roadblock. The proposal, touted as the most comprehensive municipal ban in the country, aimed to address the pervasive issue of single-use plastics. However, just three weeks before the crucial City Council vote, a powerful coalition of statewide industry groups launched a counter- campaign that actively and widely spread misinformation. 

Big Win for Sustainability!

  • Posted on 19 January 2022
  • By Angeles Chapter Sustainability Committee

West Hollywood City Council unanimously passes single-use plastic ban ordinance!

On January 18, 2021 representatives from the Sierra Club, Angeles Chapter Sustainability Committee provided public comment in support of the single-use plastic ban ordinance. This was championed by your passion and voice - and our voice was heard!

West Hollywood Takes a Stand Against Plasticware

  • Posted on 1 November 2021
  • By Juliet Fang, Communications Volunteer
The scene is all too familiar: a crinkly bag handed to us at our doorstep or a restaurant, the bag’s THANK YOUs stretched pink as it struggles to contain the tower of squeaky Styrofoam containers stashing steaming takeout. Nestled somewhere in the bag are thick, plastic utensils each sealed in their own clear baggies, sitting alongside an accouterment of condiment packets. 

Coastal Cleanup Opportunities for California Coastal Cleanup Day September 18th!

  • Posted on 11 September 2021
  • By Everette Phillips

September marks the end of summer, then the beginning of school, and a special weekend when all of coastal California shows our gratitude for the beauty and wonder of great coastal places by rolling up our sleeves and cleaning litter, debris, and a remarkable amount of garbage. 
