Leaders wanted!

  • Posted on 31 December 2004
  • By Tina Bowman

Chair, Leadership Training Committee

It's not too late for New Year's resolutions. Why not consider becoming an Angeles Chapter outings leader?

Sierra Club members become outings leaders for a variety of reasons. For example, some want to lead outings to areas to motivate participants to urge protection of those areas. Others want to share their enjoyment of the natural world. Still other become leaders out of a desire to give back to the groups, sections, and committees that sponsor the outings they have enjoyed over the years.

The majority of Angeles Chapter outings are rated O, which describes uncomplicated outings that may involve simple off-trail hiking, but not navigation skills. Becoming an O-level leader can be a short process involving just a few steps: signing up for and attending the one-day Leadership Training Program seminar, being current in standard first aid and CPR, and leading one outing as a provisional leader.

The next seminar will be offered on Saturday, April 2, with a sign-up deadline of March 19. Applications are available at the Leadership Training Committee website (www.angeles.sierraclub.org/ltc) or by sending your name, address, phone, e-mail address, and a check for $25 payable to Sierra Club to Steve Botan, LTC Registrar, 18816 Thornwood Cir., Huntington Beach, CA 92646.

For further information contact LTC registrar Steve Botan at sbotan-at-pacbell.net or 714-963-0151, or Tina Bowman at tina-at-bowmandesigngroup.com or 562-438-3809.

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