Chapter candidates present themselves

  • Posted on 30 September 2004
  • By Don Bremner

Chapter Elections Committee Chair

There will be three candidate forums this month for Club members to meet and talk with candidates for four at-large seats on the Angeles Chapter Executive Committee.

Forums are scheduled for:

Wednesday, Oct. 6, Long Beach Group, Environmental Services Bldg., 2929 E. Willow St., Long Beach. Forum follows 7:30pm program on an Earthwatch Expedition with Muriel K. Horachek telling of trips and animals in Namibia, New Zealand, Peru and China.

Monday, Oct. 11, Orange County Sierra Singles, Neighborhood Community Center, 1845 Park Ave., Costa Mesa. Candidate Forum follows 6:30pm optional potluck (bring own utensils and beverage, $2 donation) and program with Barbara Creighton sharing her photos and impressions from a visit to Vietnam.

Thursday, Oct. 14, Santa Clarita Group, at St. Stephen's Episcopal Church, 24901 Orchard Village Rd., Valencia. Program at 7:30pm.

The candidates, named by the Chapter Nominating Committee in late June, are Silvia Darie, George Denny, Ana Juarez, Jay Matchett, Will McWhinney, Sherry Ross, and Garen Yegparian.

Ballots will be included in the November issue of Southern Sierran. Besides electing at-large members of the Chapter ExComm, members will also vote for the Executive Committees of their regional groups.

A copy of the rules governing the election may be obtained by calling the Chapter office, 213-387-4287. Or you can read the Election Rules on the Angeles Chapter website, at

Ballots will be included in the November issue of the Southern Sierran. Besides electing at-large members of the Chapter ExComm, members will also vote for the executive committees of their regional groups.

A copy of the rules governing the election may be obtained by calling the Chapter office, 213-387-4287. Or you can read the election rules on the Angeles Chapter website, at

Under the election rules:

  • Chapter entities may not endorse candidates, but individual Club members, acting as individuals, may endorse candidates. Newsletters may not endorse candidates. Editorials or paid advertising on behalf of a candidate are not permitted in any Chapter publication, newsletter or website.
  • Chapter entities may publish candidate statements and question-and-answer forums in their newsletters, provided that all candidates are given equal opportunity.
  • Candidates may use Chapter or regional group membership lists for campaign mailings.
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